10 Funny Quotes of the Year (Check Them Out Here)
Below are the 10 Funny Quotes of the year so far…
Whenever things seem to start going well in your life, the devil comes along and gives you a ‘girlfriend’
Dating a slim/slender guy is cool… the problem is when you are lying on his chest then his ribs draw Adidas lines on your face.
Respect pregnant women because it’s not easy walking around with evidence that you’ve had sex.
Some of the girls of today can’t even jog for 5 mins but they expect a guy to last in bed with you for 2 hours! Your level of selfishness demands a one week crusade.
I stopped trusting ladies when my Primary 3 girlfriend left me for another boy all because he bought a sharpener with a mirror
Being dumped by a dark skinned girl is the worst thing ever! Because anytime you get home and see charcoal, you become emotional.
If is every man’s dream to remove a woman’s pant one day, but NOT when it’s on a drying line.
Sometimes you look back at girls you spent money on rather than send it to your mum and you realise witchcraft is real.
A brave man is he who has a running stomach and still wants to fart (mess)
My dear ladies, please don’t buy a selfie stick when your armpit itself needs a shaving stick.
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nice one
nice one
nice one
Nice One.
Nice one na tru
#A man who drinks alomo bitters without squeezing his face, is a suspect. Cause he is capable of murder
If u think u are brave enough to fight anyone go inside an evil forest and then u will see an evil lion that is very hungry that is ready to eat vorociously what will u do
If you are happy you dance to the lyrics of the song,
But if you are sad you get to understand what the song is talking about
i love it