Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau has announced that his country will be reducing the number of immigrants that will come to Canada in the next three years to address the challenges of rapid population growth.
Trudeau made the remarks in a video posted on Trudeau’s YouTube channel on Sunday night, November 17.
“In the last two years, our population has grown really fast, like baby boom, fast and increasingly bad actors like fake colleges and big chain corporations have been exploiting our immigration system for their own interests,” Trudeau said in the video.
Trudeau said there was a demand after the Covid-19 pandemic to bring in labour. “So, we brought in more workers. It was the right choice. It worked. Our economy grew. Restaurants and stores reopened, businesses kept running, but most importantly, in spite of lots of economists, predictions, we avoided the worst-case scenario – a recession. But some saw that as an opportunity to profit to game the system,” he said.
“Far too many colleges and universities used international students to raise their bottom line,” he said, adding, “There is fraud and abuse and it needs to end.”
He attributed that trend to some educational institutions being able to charge international students tens of thousands of dollars more for the same degree than that paid by domestic students. “And then there are really bad actors who outright exploit people who target vulnerable immigrants with promises of jobs, diplomas and easy pathways to citizenship promises that would never come true,” he said.
He said Ottawa is looking to “effectively pause population growth” for the next two years, and from 2027 onwards, it will “slowly start increasing again at a sustainable pace”.
As refugee claims have increased to a historic level, Trudeau said, “Some temporary residents may turn to our asylum system when their visa expires as a shortcut to stay in Canada. Those claims will be analysed and processed, and if their claim fails, they’ll be sent home.”
Watch the video below..
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