Anyone who knows Pa Nunieh very well will not be surprised at all. I’ve been following the social media keenly, amused and saying, this jolly-good-fellow is atty it again. Lost his 1st wife(of 40± yrs of marriage) in 1991 and was left with his second wife, equally young and very beautiful but sadly, she too passed-on in 2002 (after 30± yrs of marriage) and everyone thought Pa Nunieh wouldn’t survive it but he did. With Pa Nunieh, there has never a dull moment since then. Ladies have come and gone, local and international, married a couple of times afterwards, He always shwed off his ladies. Though he could afford and had all the domestic servants, children and grandchildren in his abode, he always wanted a wife in the house, as he found it odd not having a wife. His choice has being a mature one who has had her own children and stopped producing, until Ijeoma Rosemary –‘—- in her 50s and a beautiful mother of children (oldest at 30yrs and younger) who met the description was introduced to him few months ago. It was a very colourful ceremony as Rosemary in her 50s could pass for a 24year old, her make-up artist should get the credit, and her younger teenage and toddler sons who were part of the train must have been really proud of their Okwualaga, Afarankwu, Ibeku, Umuahia mother, Miss. Ijeoma Rosemary…….as she prefer to be addressed.
Hmmmmmmm this is love for money not real love,imagine.
Anyone who knows Pa Nunieh very well will not be surprised at all. I’ve been following the social media keenly, amused and saying, this jolly-good-fellow is atty it again. Lost his 1st wife(of 40± yrs of marriage) in 1991 and was left with his second wife, equally young and very beautiful but sadly, she too passed-on in 2002 (after 30± yrs of marriage) and everyone thought Pa Nunieh wouldn’t survive it but he did. With Pa Nunieh, there has never a dull moment since then. Ladies have come and gone, local and international, married a couple of times afterwards, He always shwed off his ladies. Though he could afford and had all the domestic servants, children and grandchildren in his abode, he always wanted a wife in the house, as he found it odd not having a wife. His choice has being a mature one who has had her own children and stopped producing, until Ijeoma Rosemary –‘—- in her 50s and a beautiful mother of children (oldest at 30yrs and younger) who met the description was introduced to him few months ago. It was a very colourful ceremony as Rosemary in her 50s could pass for a 24year old, her make-up artist should get the credit, and her younger teenage and toddler sons who were part of the train must have been really proud of their Okwualaga, Afarankwu, Ibeku, Umuahia mother, Miss. Ijeoma Rosemary…….as she prefer to be addressed.