I so much love this website plz can you put my music and my comedy skirt for me even with percentage agreement
Am by name: Nelly or baba boii Tel 07033472738
i so love this web site and all the update are nice and cool please i want too upload my muzik here please help me out this my line if accepted text me i will call sir/mir 08179927539
nice work 2baba
I so much love this web site plz can you help me put my music and my comedy skirt here even with percentage agreement.
I so much love this website plz can you put my music and my comedy skirt for me even with percentage agreement
Am by name: Nelly or baba boii Tel 07033472738
I want to upload my song on this site this my number. 08162666180
From Tanzania, lots of love 2baba
number one in African great job
one love
i so love this web site and all the update are nice and cool please i want too upload my muzik here please help me out this my line if accepted text me i will call sir/mir 08179927539
I so love this Website I wanna upload my songs and my music here am Taiwo Toh Frosh +2348077883343
so much love king 2baba song. Thanks for the update
this is one the best song I have ever listen to this year, respect boss#2baba,you are truly a legend
KING 2Baba always doing good music.
always remain dy king 2baba,i grt nice want bro
God bless you 2Baba.. great song. saying thanks to my mama too. Mama thanks for keeping papa crowned.
2baba these one is great work
In love with this song God bless you 2baba
tubaba keep it up I love this.
2baba you’re truly a legend. you just the best, more grease to your elbow. you too good
From De Legendary’s Unconditional Throne
2baba d best in Africa, great work 4rm u my mentor.
2baba your killing south Africa keep it coming we love
Me too love baba, me no fit stay with out baba songs. Baba keep it One love.
Very nice, I love it
Tubaba man with talent, indeed you are an exceptional legand
Prophet 2baba!!! a living legend
Great one 2baba
Luc friday from benin republice
2baba a great u,nice one
I love this music