Download Music Mp3:- Flavour Ft Semah G Weifur – Most High
Here is another gospel song from “Flavour” where her teamed up with “Semah G Weifur” to deliver this song, titled “Most high”
Download, and enjoy!!
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Flavour God almighty lift u high, u re a true son of ur father
Thank god for bringing Flavour in SEMAH G’s life.
O God have mercy
Flavor you are great. God bless you and the boy
sure indeed he is a true son of his father
dis is great can’t hold my tears,God bless flavour for making de blind boy’s dream come true. in all God be thou highly honoured oh lord ebube ike,so happy to hear dis song.
Don’t give up cos he hasn’t giving up on u
I’m holding on to this.. Thank you Jesus
May God continue to bless Flavour
is good to be good and to do good thank u mr.flavour for making a blind psn dream to comes true god bless u flavour.
Thanks so much Mr.Flavour for dis little boy.
Mr flavour has done a great thing.
may God pay u back in abundance.
yeah God hands is upon Flavour,he will never lack ,he will live to see his great grand children,ur song hav change my life,I pray one day I meet u,I love everything about you Flavour
Yes flavour you are a true son of God a siner is a friend of God indeed the of God is upon you Flavour continue with this life touch and changing song God will bless you more
may God bless u flavour for bring the bilnd boy up & make his dream cm true.i love this song it’s really touch my hrt.more elbow to ur greace
I couldn’t hold my tears just beautiful
May God keep blessing you flavour…for making a blind boy actualize his dreams. am really moved
this song is too powerful,,,, it touch every part of my body,,,with tears in my eye and goose pimples in my body,,,,great one
Same dear
Flavor thank you for making this boy an inspiration to others.
Yes, Flavour n’abania is kind of a man with good heart.
Daalu oru Ijele.
Thanks to the almighty God for this little blind boy dream to come to pass and thanks to flavour for the help…you are a very loving person…
This song touch my heart
yes indeed he’s the most high no one can be like him…. Thanks to the almighty God for the dream coming to pass of this little blind boy and thanks to flavour for the help… you are a very loving person….
more grease to your elbow Mr flavour remain bless
i love song and d boy
I couldn’t hold my tears while watching this music video.
God is God,God,God and God.
God bless him nice song
I Dnt Knw y that water called tears couldn’t withstand it…….much love from diz side
wonderful; D most wonderful
It S D Best I Hav Eva Seen
wonderful; D most wonderful, flavor d song is so touching
Thanks to God first and all Who are contributing to make Little Armah Dreams come alive
I couldn’t hold my tears while watching this music video.
God is God,God,God and God.
I couldn’t hold my tears while watching this music video.
God is so great..
for d first time i was touched by ur song becus of d boy. May God continue to lift u high nd bless u
dont have anything to say, but flavour is a good
i can’t hide my feelings,
flavour you really move my soul you make me believe that when they is life they is hope stay bless always.
my dear fellows frinds flavour u ar the must intelegent man GOD bless u alot my man.
God bless you Mr Flavor for this wonderful songs with this little child. Am moved by this song
I love this, this is the best of all that I have of you.
Very touching… I listened to this song for more than 6 hours despite my tight schedule today.. I just set the song mode to repeat and keep listening to it.. Flavor God bless you real good and bless the boy too
I hardly comment on songs but dis vry one really moved me……God bless u flavour, more elbow to ur grace
Flavor you are blessed
Thanks boss for all the guys you havp help in life,I also thank you for this one.
this song has realy touched my heart continue with de good work mr flavour
Semah you are a blessing to this generation. God will use u as a point of contact to many of us. You just made a huge impact on me right now. You will go places and change lives….we all here in Cameroon love you immensly
Flavour may God continue to bless u.dis song is so wonderful.more grace
Flavour u are a blessing I couldn’t hold my tears while watching dis video dis is one of my favorite among all ur music
Flavour my man am happy for that and I think God is happy too for helping that young boy, may God keep blessing and protecting u… Amen
This song is good
God bless you flavour
This song moves me a lot I thank God for given flavour the grace…..
wow,I couldn’t hold back my tears,a very powerful music DT touches one soul,kudus to u fla
I was very happy to hear that music thank flavour and semah G.weifur
May God bless you for making the blind boy dream to come true
I really appreciate you flavour for the love you have shown for the little boy. More gifts n favour
Am really touched, God bless you guys. May he increases your Grace. Amen
The song is really touching esp d little boy.
I couldn’t hold back my tears n it gave me goose bumps.
i pray the boy receives his sight.
Am really touched, God bless you guys. May he increases your Grace. Amen
Nice one mr.flavour
God bless u.
God will continue to bless you and favour
I can’t help the tears in my eyes. Have played this song over a hundredth time. God bless Flavour.
God bless Semar G.
Indeed God’s the most high
may God bless u flavour abundantly I pray to God to help sweet semeh get to see u n beautiful creatures of Gods wonders
Tears can’t stop flowing from my eyes
mr flavor u are wonderful keep on d Lord is ur strength
Tears can’t stop flowing from my eyes, God bless you flavour
Waw its awesome Mr flavor nabania, more blessings to u for making the boy’s dream come to reality
Keep it up
More power to ur elbow
Flavour may the almighty God never seaze purring his blessings up on you for making the young boys dream come true in the name that’s above every other name jesus, amen.
pls don’t leave DAT little boy, u can also help him get his sight back, what a lovely passionate song
So amazing n touching good track flavor wit a wonderful voice from a handsome blind boy,may God bless u both.kip it up bro.u both killed it.
Flavour God gat ur back, keep it up for ur reward can nt come from man. #GOODWORK
Flavour nwa mbakaogu god is with u
nice nice!!! keep the spirit….
omg I can’t believe dis flavor u r such a nice person I CNT stop been ur funs I love dt song it move my hrt each tym I hear it. thanks to u flavor. be blessed.
I never loved to listen to Flavour’s song.. but wit dis am touched… flavour from now onwards am strting to listen to ur musics starting frm N’abali… smiles
Flavour you have pericious heart to help the poor that is why I real love you
May God bless you Mr Nabania
May the God almighty who gives you the talent of singing with a wonderful voice to sing to the glory of God, handsome boy God will do a miracle thing in ur life believe in God he is a miracle worker, u both are bless from God. keep it up with God all things are possible.
flavour has sent am message to we the less privelegde.. No condition is permanent.. Inspirational track doh
Letworld know More about Godwit music
Bros ur place in d heart of God will nt be taking away in Jesus name. Dis is gud
Nice one
It Is A Pleasure And A Honour To Hear This Gospel Music, It’s So Inspiring And Touching. May God Bless You My Country Boy Semah G. Weifur, And May He Heal You So That U Can Be Able To See Again, Luke 3:31 Nothing Is Impossible With God Almighty. Remeber G O D Stand For God Of Deliverance.
This song is so touching,I really love it
All thanks to the almighty God for making this boy’s dream come true
I was touched wen I watched d video of flavour nd d boy…flavour has givin us a hope dat our dreams can become reality..keep it up!!!
wow very touching
may God blesse an lift you up Mr.flavour
God bless u Mr flavour
Am so in love with this song
Flavour I just want to say God bless u ad for d good work that u av done u are d best
God bless flavour for every he has done for that pretty kid
Flavour nwa mama God we continue to bless you
flavour my brother i love you, you are great
Mr. flavour u really murder this song,thank 4 also bring out dis boy talant out, GOD BLESS
I was so touched by this song o my God thanks for making this boy to achieve his goal and also thanks to flavour
this is the best song I have ever heard from someone… Mr flavour, thanks for that masterstroke
i most say believing in yourself is confident believing in someone like Mr flavour is supportive but believing in God the miracle worker is everything . because God health the eyes of the blind man that the same God will do the same for you semah G .weifur , because God has done what No man has not , God will remember you , your voice is touching , the world of miracles owns you a million thanks and blessings , God please bless Mr Flavour
am so touch by the song flavour u are good person u made dis boy dream cum true ur our dream will never die don’t leave dis guy he will bring u more favor, grace And blessing BTh Nw and in future he Nw lyk a son to u am proud of u sir God bless u
Nice one Mr flavour… More Grace fall on you
i am humbled that what one concieves he can achieve. Ride on brothers
this song is too good and it touch every part me …. may Almighty God continue to bless you Mr flavour….
Chai flavour thank u so much u are a good person God bless u
am so happy for what you did to the blind boy for him deram to come to pass. ur are bless already many God continue enlarge.ijile Na africs
It’s a really welcome development, God will lifts high above your expectations for making his dreams come true no matter his condition
I cannt believe DAT such nice people still exist like Mr Chinedu aka flavour nd miss Chidimma they are the nicest celeb ever I love d little Semah alot imagine d song made me cry for a whole night even dis morning too my family just love the music
Dats good of him…….it is a touching song.
I was crying the very first day l listen to dis very music
Indeed God is the most high.
I can’t believe this
What a voice from this little boy.
Flavour God bless u for this both now nd forever.
flavour may the most high bless u and actualize your dream as u did to this my little liberian brother. thank u very much.
Flavour N’abania.. U ar really a good and caring musician… Thanks for helping de poor blind boy from Liberia… May God Almighty continue to bless ur days and hustling.. I really luv all ur music and u ar a musician i admire a lot.. God bless u
Oh man,flavour u really proved who you. a promise able man and an icon of Hope to the blind. note kudoos my friends sm excited hearing this. God bless you
more blessings Mr flavour na abania for changing this little boy life
of a truth God is the most high and he has done it in the old and he can still do it again so,just believe he can heal your blindness and he will do it
u did it real good may God reward u in that light thanks for de little boy
Watching this video and listening to this song, proves that there’s a man call God, and there are still good people in this world.. I don’t know why, but maybe because I’m a human , I’m crying tears of joy for this Lil blind boy. Glory be to God, n thanks to you Mr. Flavor..
God almighty will never stop blessing u mr flavour nabania, my hrt realy broke with tears. Keep it on
my heart was touched wen I heard the song, thanks flavour for bringing this young handsome boy to his dream.
What A Sweet Voices, I Thnk God So Much For The Dream Of Semah. N To Mr. Flavour Words Are Inadequate For Me To Say Thnk U. I am so much in luv with this song. Mr. Flavour May U Never Lack Nothing As U Continue To Extand Ur Hands God Blessed U…
More grace
May d almighty God bless u n keep u in gud health for bringing d little boy to light
Nic Song
Nice song God bless you MrFlavour
God bless flavour he is one in a million
God almighty continue bless you Mr flavour
this is really a nice collaboration I pray God the miracle worker heals the blind boy
I really love this song….I cried when I was listening to this song….flavour keep it up and the good Lord shower his blessing to you and fulfill your heart desire and may God also bless your little boy….love you flavour….
I believe in ur love for dis boy
I have follow de story how u meet this boy…
Ur place in God hrt no man can take it
flavour my main gee others are my side gee am so excited 4 dis thank you for making the blind boy happy May almight God bless you
Mr. Flavour you are truely a legend the first day i the video ,when you visit libera and today you made the boy dream to come true.Only God can reward you
FLAVOUR may GOD of blind people continue to bless U, AMEN
please more of this like Most High and chimmanda…Kudos.
I wish you longer life Flavor.
Flavour, I see that ur calling to this world is to praise and worship God in full. This gospel song alone has lightened some dead stars in heaven. God grace Will strengthen you
this is best so touching I can’t stop crying God bless you flavour for making the blind boy dream come through
Thank u Mr Flavour For Making The Dream Of This Boy Come true God Bless You
What a lovely song, couldn’t hold back my tears. God bless you Flavour and keep blessing the young boy. It is well with you both in Jesus Name, Amen.
Truely the song moved me for a blind boy praising GOD while people that are complete can’t even say there morning prayer
vision is seeing through the heart and not the eye, for many has eye to see but no vision, in that/ any situation don’t conclude because God is not through with you, it is not Over until is Over. God bless you Mr flavour, keep it up semah G.
the most inspirational song ,I so much love the verse”u make the blind man to see and the miracle working God” i will other artist will imitate flavour and bring hope to the hopeless,fatherless and poor
Indeed, its an inspiration. Very touching.
Flavour may God in His infinite mercy bless you for this favour you have shown to this little boy. May He continue to strengthen you in your music career. The song is so touching… GOD BLESS YOU.
I just Couldn’t hold my Tears back.. I was moved By this Song.
God Will use U lightly Semah
thank you Flavor!!!
hmmmm it is well…..tanks nd God bless u @flavour
Nice one Mr Flavour, this song is really touching
May God Almighty strengthen you more and more. Amen
Nice one
this music really melt my heart.
thanks to flavour for making this boy’s dream came through.
u are indeed an Igbo man
Mr flavour thanks a lot for letting GOD use you find this boy and help him xplore his talents. We thank you for proving to us that no matter the situation, GOD can use anyone
ooooh God help that child,I love him yooooh!!!!!!
Just couldn’t hold my tears..its 1daful.
good one flavour more grace.and for d lettel boy God will see u true
Flavour God will lift u higher above ur expectations for makin dis boy discover himself at dis point.
Mr Flavour with what you ave done to dis little boy God in his infinite mercy will continue to bestow on you wisdom nd understand as he did unto Solomon
God Will We Bless U Flavour 4 Helping De Blind Little Boy. Be Blessed
Flavour you are amazing oh gosh, Almighty God will bless you for making that boys dream come to pass I don’t know what to say my eyes if filled with
10× God bless u Flavour, for d life of ur Liberian Brother
This is really touching may God bless you Mr Flavour. Pls father Lord by ur mercy let d boy to see can’t really hold my tear
i love tht music it move my body and my soul may God you.
To be honest flavour is a inspiational to all the musician, keep it up,the reword is @head,are bless.
Woah dis song is great love it flavor may GOD give u more strength bruh
Flavour i bliv dat u are the father of music and thank you for semah G,,his a destined child that needs all the best in life….thank you very much and am still wating for more
How i wish Mr Flavour will stick in worship songs such as the one here…
I believe the most high GOD will do His miracle towards the little blind boy.
Am realy touched by dis music plz flavour keep it up nd dnt stop nd also take very goodcare of that little baby boy nd GOD will continue to bless u for luving a blind luv to u.
I love tz song is so touching God bless u Mr.flavour especially when I watched ua clip when u visited Liberia 2meet semah I couldn’t hold my tears very touching.GOD BLESS semah ua loved n I know u wl b agreat man as u said our God makes impossible possible
Am realy touched by dis music plz flavour keep it up nd dnt stop nd also take very goodcare of that little baby boy nd GOD will continue to bless u for luving a blind luv to u.
May God in his infinite mercy grant you your heart desires, more grace Flavour
You are too much flavour
What a nice gospel soundtrack…. I’m really touched.Mr Flavour i will remain your fan forever thanks for making me proud
Flavour God bless you, give you more grace and grant your heart desires. Pls stick to gospel songs and for the blind sweet little boy may God Almighty do that which he can not do for himself. in Jesus name Amen
Thumbs-up to Flavour for this wonderful piece of Gospel song, its really enjoyable. I pray he let go all these shaky-shaky Nigerian music and turn up for gospel. All the best man!!!
Honestly I’m short of words… I can’t stop crying.. This song touched my heart.. The blind boy is very cute and he really inspired me.. Truly your default can’t stop your dreams… God is God and always God.. I just pray the boy receives his sight.
It’s really a nice song i was touched, keep it up.
May favour, grace and mercy follow you all the days of your life for this you have done me Flavour. Amen
May favour, grace and mercy follow you all the days of your life for this you have done mr Flavour. Amen
Wow, wow, wow, I commend you on this flavour, I see you becoming a gospel artist in the nearest future, God you are the most High
I love this song,flavour nothing will happen to you
God will continue to shawer blessing on you
You will remain a star forever
Flavour n’abania I love u so much like neva bfr….d blind boy frm Liberia dwn to nija is a grt honor to yo stand… Plz make d boy yo son bcos each tim i put on d video i ws been torchd an i cry….as his wt u.. U’ll neva remain dsam.. Ur grt alrd so dnt panicking…..
Am yo Igbo guy frm Abia state..
The sung always make me fell cool and i wish that flavour well help me too am good too but no help 09056206437
God bless u Mr.flavour. I was touched by this song.. i shred tears for the very first day I listened to this song.. God bless you.
i can’t hold my tears god know reason why make this young boy blind if the boy didn’t blind may be his dream will not come true may god be with Mr flavour
This song is heartwarming
Am so happy for God to make this blind boy dream to come true….God will continue to bless you flavour God really used you……
God will bless u,i love the song
Nice One Mr Flavour, Carry On Bro Love U
I love the track so much,it’s so touching.keep it up hope to hear more truck
May God continue to bless flavour for his good work ,indeed God is a most high ,I so much love the little boy,, the song makes me cry am so so happy for him
I which I could be with flavor to contained MY schooling in Nigeria my contact.+231776029971.
God Almighty is d greatest, I don’t know how to express what I feels inside when I watched d video. big big thanks to flavour and mastercraft for making dis poor blind boy dream com to pass. for samah G, u are a blessing to this generation at large , u will go places and achieved ur destiny.
Flavour U Are Gud
may God almighty shawa u with more grace
Wow! Am so inspired. Lord you are indeed the most high God. Mr flavour thank you for who you are. Why don’t you switch to gospel, God ready to see you come. This song has brought you to a limelight. Weldone
to God be the glory…(flavour) u really made the boy’s dream a reality tnks so much for dis is d best music hv heard
I shocked the time I hear the music papa Jesus heal your talent boy daddy please 4give our sin
Am so excited to hear such and interesting worship song from flavour the singer ” FLAVOUR” deserve an award.
wonderful thanks to u Mr. Flavour am very proud of U.
the voice and the beat of the song really inspired me.. ride mr flavour
Dis song is a hit track.i shed tears wen i 1st heard de story of dis blind boy,i shed more tears wen i heard de song.GOD BLESS U MR FLAVOUR as u av been a blessing 2 de lyf of dis young blind boy
God’s blessing is already urs u shall Neva lack for dis u did, more blessing to ur life.and career.
When I heard this song from a friend,for the first time I shared tears,i keep playing the song every minute that passes…i thank God almighty for the inspiration of this song,not just for melody it touches the heart,it pears. And for for the little blind boy God bless you Flavour
more of such Mr Flavour God bless
Nice one flavour
Wow!!wonderful..i cnt stop cryin..dis song has really touched my flavour thank you n keep up wid the good work…we love u buh God loves u most..
l would like to work for you,even as for a cleaner l will do dat happily pls you can call on +2347068232134
God bless u flavour. Such a powerful song
God bless u flavour. Such a powerful and inspirational song.
i really want to be with flavour ,because when i see flavour singing song my spirit move because of flavour i became a musician
flavour good work we can also make music together pls my nomba08131866587 on twitter@stilldboitrizy on instagram@stilldboitrizy tnks
Mr flavour may God bless u for making semah dream come through God bless u
Thank You Flavor God Bless U I Love Ur Music
God Bless U Mr Flavour, Please I What Ur Musics U Cone Call Me On (+233249344486) or (+233543318401) Have Good Day By Amenyo Epiphany
thomb up to you flavour seriously it touchable great job brother
thomb up to you flavour God bless you seriously am touched May God promot your music brother
tears ran down my eyes after a very long Tim that track is just so touching
Wow! I can’t hold back my tears, since the first day I listen to this song of flavour and semah. Its has been my best gospel song from flavour. Hmmm, wat can I say but to thank flavour for making the dream of semah comes true. God will continued to give you more inspiration and favour you. I LOVE YOU
Very touching song.i cry each time I play the song.Indeed God is a great provider.Weldone Flavour.
flavour, u really drew down the heaven with this great and beautiful song. may god allmigthy bless nd rward u for u make d little boy’s dream com true and he’s all-readily gotten he’s goal. Mr flavour u re wonderfully God made being. God bless u.
Haven’t actually heard the song. But the comment alone got me interested in saying something.. God bless you Mr flavour.. More grace to you
this song really touches my heart I couldn’t hold my tears
Dis Song Is Really Touching. 4 Semah, May Gud God Bless Him & Restore His As He Did In D Past & 4 Flavour, May Gud God Strengtheneth Him & Bless Him Till D Last Breath Of His Life. GOD IS IN DID THE MOST HIGH.
I cried when I watched the video,and I just keep watching it. I no my God is going to do great miracle in his life,soon I mean very soon his gonna gain his sight cos I no what God can do.
This song is one in a million songs I,am so happy for this
Mr. Flavour thank God for you.indeed God is the most high and may God bless you for helping the little blind boy .I pray that God will use both of you as a Gospel musician.
I can’t stop crying, this song is touching
wow dis song z really touching my heart, may god bless u mr flavour for helping that little blind boy…in jesus name amen!
Hmmmmmmmm this song really touch me so must flavor may God blessed you so must I love this song
am ln love with de music, my brother flavor God bless y
Mr flavour thank you for your help towards the blind boy God will continue to bless you Amen.
Yooooh my favourite artist Mr flavour this song is on point, we can’t stop watching de video, keep it up my man God bless u
Am Gershom from zambia am really touched by the song the boy has an amazing voice great job mr flavour …
so touching… I love the little boy and flavour.Nice one
i was touched wen i heard dis song.tanks flavour for makin dis little boy to see d light of God in him nd for makin his dreams come true.
may the almighty God bless u and the blind boy. i #pray that good #God make u to see again #semah G belive nd have faith. #Semah g everything is gonna be ok God is in ur side … Receive ur heallings in #jesus name
jesus is great .
God is manifesting his power in ur life nd alway be connected to him,i was stunned when i listen to this song nd you i saw,GOD blessed you with a unique are bless.
May the GOD of almighty countinue to bless you and at same time left you more higher in every areas of your life. Let the hole world testify your goodness towards the little blind boy. Thanks a lot
Am really touched by this song
Mr. Flavour and Semah, i love this music, i will love to hear more of your songs.God bless and strengthen your music crew.
Mr Flavour may God continue to bless you as u remember d poor, may God also remember you and I pray that d poor boy will regain his sight in Jesus name Amen
This is the best song I have ever heard, God bless you
Mr. Flavour may jah continue to bless u
anywhere u go favour will follow u
every area.of ur life will be full
keep on doing the things u do
nd god almighty will see u through
*EmD say so*
Am short of words all dat I can say is God bless you
Thank you Mr. Flavour.. .. For making a blind boy achieve his dreams.. … This song really touch my heart.
I jst love d song..d first day i listened to it,,i ws touched so touched..God bless flavour nd samah,, more grace on u.
Very Sweet Music
itz good.. d boy is an inspiration
Am actually so short of words to describe this scenario. anyways, may God be praised. And bless Mastercraft and Flavour for this effect.
May God Almighty who make you remember the poor continue to bless you
May the most high raised you up for making the impossibility of this little boy possible. Mr.Flavour
boss may God bless n increase you n your generation ,pls do more of the gospel songs I really love it wen yu sing gospel song brother
God bless you for making this blind boy an inspiration to others by showing them dat no matter ur condition in life he will visit you one day. This song is very nice keep it up !!!!
God bless you for making this blind boy an inspiration to others by showing them that no matter ur condition in life he will surely visit you one day…. What a lovely song!!!!!!
He is surely the MOST HIGH GOD. Wat a great song
Waow… Flavour my man… My best artist.. I just love u… That track was fantastic, as usual
such a wonderful nd gracious song to be written down in history flavour God bless u so so much i love u OYORIMA
my pray is that god will keep blessing you I love u my brother!
I sheared tears after listening to this song mister flavour u are talented with this awesome voice pls use it in glorifying the name of the lord, and again tnx ones more for this little blind boy may God bless u abundantly…
God bless u nice one
very touchin may u b lifted ijn amen
WOW…. so wonderful!!! Nice one
Oh, this is really wonderful, I really can’t hold back my tears when i first saw this, flavour thanks a lot for making this little boy dream come through, more grease to ur elbow
May God continue to increase u in every height, thank you so much Mr flavour for making dis boy’s dream come thru,God bless you
So touching….! Most high God be praise forever!
I pray dat god will make dat little boy regain his sight.god bless u flavour for helping d boy.anytym i listen to dis song titled”most high”all i do is shed tears
God bless you ijele one of Africa.
i love this music
Atually to be sincere with each other if this song did not touch or move u am sorri to say that no song sing by dis word will ever touch or move u again for me i have not for even one day heard the song not for one day but a day come when i was switching my gotv channels suddly i haerd flavour calling most iimidiately i said to my bro i said that this song must be power i can’t wait to sit down ad hear or watch this video suddly again i saw dis boy lifting up his hands and eyes unto heaven when i wactch this video well i saw dat dis boy was blind istantly i was touched,movedif there would be any world to use i could have said so imidiately i said i can’t i rush into the internet and download the song so in any situation you are please am pleding with u praise God almigthy and again i come to said special thanks to God how great every thing both heaven and earth and we human being our God is great and worthy to be praise and big thanks to mr flavour wi said and i said more grace and may God strengthing u more and more and again moer grace upon the boy that has use to glorify his name in Jesus most powerful name i have prayed(AMEN)
Whoa! This Song Most High Is Really Intresting,i Felt Good,prety Tnxs 4 This Dazzling Song Of Ur’s & D Boy
God is good
thank you bro
That is good and God will bless u for that
Am speechless throughout last night after watching the video more than ten times God will continue to bless Mr. flavor an the young boy to the greater height….Weldon!
this is a nice song the song is touching the heart it is a nice song
Good One . but I don’t know that Flavor can praise God lyk this
song is most touchable…. be blessed flavoer
….this song keept me moving….
flavour I pray d mighty God will continue make ur ways prosperous, anytime I play dis glorious music, I always fell touch and drum me back to my maker,my God is so great,sir pls try ur best to let d little boy in ways of d most high God,flavour from day one u r also an emotional person,thank for taken gud care of him god will bless u
God with U all impossibilities become’s possible… God bless u Flavour as u bless the life of this blind boy, am so grateful. More grace to bless the nations.
My Lord Yes Your The Most High God And Forever You Will Be
thumb up Mr shy…..Lol, dont worry i will always watch u in radio and hear u in television
I now believed that there are still good people living in Nigeria,Mr flavour may the most high God whom you give praises to, continue to reward you for helping this little blind boy.
It is gd i love it
flavour u music has touched many people heart including mine i will always be your fan farewall my musician
i really love dis song. Keep it up Sir
wow,this song is really awesome,God is the MOST HIGH.Mr flavour it is always beautiful and a blessing to many people whenever you are blessing the name of the lord with your beautiful voice and gift,it shows that you are born to do this,always allow God to take Glory with the gift of singing He gave to you.God bless you…….
Something is telling me that soon flavour will b a Gospel artist,and also raise the banner of jesus
I av been expecting this… God bless u flavour for making d wish of this kid come to pass,God bless u d more I Luv this song can’t stop playing it.
As i listen to ur song flavour,it is so touching.tank u for making semah’s dream com true.kudos to u flavor
This song is a blast of this generation, I sing the song always.
Am really, really touch with dis song, I feel like crying when I watch the video, I believe that God can make the impossible to be possible like the little boy said when singing (that God made the blind man to see and the cripple to walk) I believe that God can to that for him too.
This song is really inspirational. God bless u mr flavour.Remember u have a place in heaven. This song have changed many lives keep it up bro.
wawoo i love this please keep on, this touch my heart
What a work of favour many God favour ur from your name flavour to favour many he grant u peace
Wat a scintillating nd touching song,dis is d type of song we nid in dis generation of ours ,God bless u flavour for giving d blind boy d privilege to sing wit u nd to achieve his aim,may Almighty God reward u more abundantly. AMEN,
Wow.God richly bless u and protect u to be able to take care of de boy .I pray dat he will regain his sight .
Dis song is so wonderful it touch my heart
the pic r is good
Wow i was really touch by d song.itz gave me hope dat i can make my dream come 2ur.Mr flavour may God make away 4 u.were ur mate go nd fail u will go nd be favoured.AMEN.
Keep up guyz
thank you flavor for making the blind boy to achieve his wiseh
Flavor, God really used you to show the world that’s alive…. for the song is really touching and I love it with passion make the God Almighty continue to bless you…
pls a little favour… am a musician I need support to blow…. thanks
I lov dis job die
more Grace a legit song
This video is awesome.Ijele 1 of Afrika, FLavour nwoke dimma,God bless u
Yaa Allah you are capable of doing the impossible… Please make this little boy see again… Aameen
God Almighty will reward your good work in jesus name i pray Amen
flavour the ijele one of Africa may God almighty bless you for your good deeds love you so much your my inspiration for life your best fan from cameroon
Flavour my guy you too much and beg hail my boy semafor for me.
flavor may God bless you more and more your days will be long on earth…..1 love
Very touching. GOD BLESS U MAN
Infact touched to listen to most high by flavour,an eye opener to all disabled people in naija. I hope that all in good health can appreciate God for been there for us. Truly most high is da bomb.
Flavour may God continue to bless you i love this song thanks for making a dream come true one love bro
l was so shocked when I saw the little boy holding a walking stick I couldn’t believe my self,any time I watched that video tears never seems to flows in my eyes,flavour thanks a lot for making his dream come true and that God will surely regain his sight in the mighty name i pray amen.
u are Lyk ur father flavour, u made it but actually, that was nice with Semah,a blind musician
Am so happy to hear this wonderful song this night, God bless the little boy and also bless mr flavour for me amen
I like d song
Thank you so much for the inspiration you have,i love the song so much that if am angry or sad and i hear the song i will be so happy and glad and i also thank you for the encourage you gave to the blind boy pray that God should restore the sight of that blind boy in JESUS NAME And i pray that God should bless u too AMEN
I can’t jst stop listening 2 dis wondaful song by flavour and d proud of u..infact dis song is nw my ringing tone..flavour,pls keep dis boy lyk 1 of ur son’s,care 4 him and God wil bless u through him..ogbomoso loves u
I luv Diz music so much, Tnz Mr flavour 4 acknowledging d fact dat God z d most high!!! kip it up my dear, may my Good God Kip on announcing u!!!!!!! Kip running 2 d top, shalom!!!!!!
when I heard d song at first I was touched I cried cos is God’s inspiration and for making d boy dream come true.
so so inspirational and spiritual, semahe g weifur u gat a unique voice, keep it up ND we will keep praying on behave of u for God to help u regain ur sight back in Jesus name. Amen
I can’t stop playing this song…what a wonderful boy, from the first time I listen to this song i’ve been tought …I love you semah G weifur and thanks you Flavour for making his dreams come true…I will share your song to been known to everyone… Peace be with you ..I and pray to God show him miracle to see again….
I pray that other musicians, emulate flavour ways, one love bro nice one may God bless u semper fidelis
Mr flavor. your song gatme
going.. I feel so much OK. God bless u and that little boy the more
it a very good thing keep it on thank.s God bless
lovely song by a lovely musician, thk God for ur repentance
Flavour wat u did is good by establishing dat blind boy keep up the good work i like the song is so touching
This song really break my spirit and touch my heart. Pls Mr flavour pls keep the work going.
Really touching and inspiring song.Just watched the song yesterday,my goodness,GOD is good.Love the lyrics of the song and the voice of the young lad.Flavour you did commendable job there.
I love the boy and flavor
i great flavour but all thanks to God for such a gift……… Na ME FLAVOUR.J
This music is really inspiring and touching, that I always cry while listening or singing it.I love this music,God bless flavour and give him more grace for his kindness.
I am really touched by this song, this is the best of flavour.thank you Mr flavour for making my spirit high through this song.
Lovely song l love it
Mr flavour may God reward you for what you have done for semah weifur.
I can’t hold my tires when I hear this boy’ voice. Even in his darkess he still believe that God is the one that open the blinds eyes. who I mine not to praise this Great God. God bless you Semah for your voice and Thank u Flavour for recognizing this boy talent.
I just can’t hold my tires when I hear the boy’ voice. Even in his darkness he still believe He his the God that open the blinds eyes then who I mine not to praise this Great God. God bless u Semah G and Thank you Mr Flavour for recognizing this boy talent. pls take him like your child.
wow! that’s really good, I love this song, Mr flavour God bless you and the blind boy, I no that God Almighty will help the blind boy
God bless flavour for making a blind man dream come through this really touch my heart.i couldn’t hold my tears
Lord is really the most high, He makes impossible possible
May the almighty bless u
Lord is really the most high, He makes impossible possible
May the almighty bless u 4 such a nice song
Flavour All The Way.
God is really most high trully, I love the song God bless u Mr flavour for making the blinds boy be among others.I love u my God
It is touching i wish i have opportunity to sing cause i have a very good voice
The song is so touching mr flavour God bless u for the lovly song………..
God bless you Mr flavour for doing this great work may him. Continue to reward u abundantly
flavour is a god sent for him
Its is so touching, God will used your more. I pray God to heal the boy to make him see
Thank for such melodious song…. Keep it up, God bless
Thank you flavour may God bless you and the little child
my flavour u are great for using a blind boy, u are the best
Is it me or is Flavour a repented fellow?…. lol.
Hallelujah for der z joy in heav’n wen a…… D prodigal son returns.
what a gracious GOD if a blind can serve him then who am I
Lord help me to serve you in spirit and truth.
nice music
nice music
May God bless flavour with U,And make your dreams come true
may GOD lift you high flavour
it is a touching song, it really touched me… infact may God almighty increase flavour according to his wills…
we bless God for making it possible for little boy semah’s wish to come through. may God’s blessings continue to rest on flavor for his contribution to semah’s dreams being realized.
I really love this song it inspires me a lot, I wish this boy could see and also thanks to flavour, u r a good man
thank God for flavour i pray that God cause u guyz with blessing to celebrate this 2017 amen love you flavour
Am touched by dis song,more grace flavour
God will bless u flavor u will never lack favour,u will keep on to prosper ,l love semah,thanks for making his dream realized,he have a nice voice.
I can’t hold my tears right now. Flavor I pray God Almighty will continue to guide and move u forward
love dis
God you re wonderful…
Oh yes!! there’s none compare to the most high indeed he is a great God. Mr Flavour I thank you very much for making the dream of that little boy come to pass in his life . More grace and blessing to you flavour…
I was touched by this song the first time I listen to the song and I will continue to listen for as many time I can nice@flavour keep the flow going pls God bless u for this thank.
i am saying a big thanks you my friend samah waifur I with like to see you God Almighty will bless you for me I love you
hope to work with you someday ur very good my best artist from the east.
Realy most high is one of his music dat i like somuch,my prayer is dat God should bless me with kind of ur voice and protect u and dat litle boy amen.
mr flavour tenks a lot for this song u are a great example of to others. God bless
flavour GOD will reward u for acknowledging HIM
this is the best song so far that nigeria secular musicians have ever done
GOD bless u semah more grace
Wow dis song really move me… May God bless and increase you flavour Amen
nice nd highest song of flavour
flavour is me upcoming musiction i lov all ur song kip on
Realy most high is one of his music
dat i like somuch,my prayer is dat
God should bless me with kind of ur
voice and protect u and dat litle boy
God ur wonderful, i so much love this song, wish i was conjoined
Nice music it’s an inspiration music, it gives courage, a music everybody would like to listing to.
dis musik is kul
flavour Anna banner mentioned about ur good hrt. i have witness it keep it up and God blessed u
…my soul was touched and only what i discovered was that we wity full both eyes were almost ingrate to JEHOVAH.
you do what no one can’t do
Don’t even know wat to say.Semah is a blessing n d song is not only lit buh also inspirational.Flavour,thank u 4 makin dis young boy’s dream come.
I also pray dat,dat line of ur lyrics comes true in ur(semah) life,”U MAKE D BLIND MAN TO SEE”
indeed, this song was, and will continue to be a motivator, a courageous one to the hopeless, thanks to mr. flavour and special thanks to the possibility making God.
If God blesses you, be a blessing to others like Mr Flavour (ijele na Africa, onye egwu ndi IGBO ji eme onu)
I want the write up of flavor song “Most high
it really sounded cool and soul watering. just wished semah could see…….
I’m really really sad right now and I don’t even know what to say all I can say right now is god will do something about this boy life and I’m happy that somehow someday he will receive a miracle thing in his life amen . if anyone believe that he can be healed Dan say amen
With this music God will take u to a higher place in ur career. God bless u for the life of dat little boy. Am one of ur biggest fans 4life
Wow dis song is great and awesome,thanks for helping the blind boy actualized his dream and am thanking God on ur behave
Flavor u re a nice guy i wish i heared some one like u to help me on my music carrier like dis boy (08182419710)
God bless you super star flavour for this historical breakthrough and opportunity you have given to this young lad God bless you abundantly.
God bless u
at first I hate flavours song but in hearing dis song is like am loving u music for everí ½í°±í ½í°±í ½í°±
This song is very nice song and God bless the little boy and you
flavour rdg u too much star Oluwa is there for yuh
The lord will reward u for this.
Yes Mr Flavour I must congratulate you for this wonderful track you have released, I love it, I want it, I need it. is good you remembered God as the Most High.
wow…. this is lovely you are so good all round musician with that little inspired talented young dude more grace
Dis is my best song from flavour,d song is so tourching,anytym i listen to dis song i feel d presence of God.may God continue to bless ad use u to sing more songs like dis
Mpa flavour you to much I love the song
I love this song .it moves me .motivate wen ever I listen to it
flavour I tank u so much for make dis young boy dream come true tank so much God bless ur going ad ur coming ad no weapon fashion against shell ever see u in jesus name Amen God bless u so much .
nice and lovely. a dream come true
Each time I heard this music,oh my God tears. Flavor you will never go down in life. For my little boy God Almighty will always be with you and shower His marvelous blessings towards you.
Each time I heard this music,oh my God tears. Flavour you will never go down in life. For my little boy God Almighty will always be with you and shower His marvelous blessings towards you.
this music is sumthing else so inspiring, touching and I felt it and I cried wen I watched d video
God bless u flavor to do more!
So touching…… What a song
Am really touched by this song just listening to it over and over…flavour indeed God is the most high.God bless you and the boy…keep it up..
Lovely song and its so touching…You know wen I watched the video of this song I cried..may you forever be blessed
So touching I jus love this song…when I watched the video I cried…may you forever be blessed
Am short of words.. Keep it up
Nice song mr fravour
Nice one flavour…….DOPE song.
u will be a good gospel singer……..the song touched my heart for the boy.God bless u both.
Thank u mr. Flavour for helping dis groshos boy to achieve his future, may almaghty God reword u nd ur family, Amen.
am realy uplifted with that song, amd making d boys dream come tru, i believe dat a reward awaiting u in heaven
they song touch my heart that make me believe that the boy we see again
mr flavour on the dance u don know
ur boy dy hail u oooohhhhh
We all know dat a King can never be appreciated in his vicinity but right here and now, Mr. Flavour as ur stage name implies, u are indeed flavoured. dis i blv will be d best tym for we all to know dat despite d situation we find ourselves, dere is always a reason to dat. for a blind boy to actualize his dream now, who can’t. tnx to u for ur kind gestures towards dis child. u will 4eva be remembered.
Nothing to say just keep it up
wow that a nice track man keep it up.
The first day i heard this song i was like cryin that very moment
so mr flavour more greese to your elbow
Fabulous! Fabulous!! Fabulous!!!
you are really a good singer……….you are destined to sing a gospel song brother carry on
you are really a good singer……….you are destined to sing a gospel song brother carry on
Just finish crying after watching this video , God bless flavor, you shall continue to be favoured.
Mr flavour u are a good man indeed God Almighty will continue to bless u with more talent
so good Haven a songs like did thank
you are really a good singer… you are destined to sing a gospel song brother carry on.
d boy is intelligent
Flavour for this singular act you have done may my God bless you and for putting smile on this little boy’s face may your face never experience tears of sorrow thank you.let the world emulate you .by mrs noble
This your music touch my heart, I love
this music sooo much,may Almighty God bless you
am happy to hear this song, its gr8.
To God be the glory.
I hope God has His own ways to bless people I hope one day I will shake the hands of that boy and I believe it will happen am from KENYA
I Luv It
this piece moved me to tears. God bless u Flavour.
what a marvelous song. wonderful
sing more of God song thank u
What amezing ‘nd very sweet song indeed.
The song carry power
I luv to see more of this kind of xtian song from u flavour …not every tym women and women
Wow what an inspirational song, God i thank you for the gift you gave to a little blind boy and i thank you for the young man flavour whom you used to help this little boy, i asked on there behalf more aboundant of grace and i beg you thou the most high to open the eyes of the little boy so that the whole world will believe that trully you are the most high in jesus name amen. George .Daniel.
I love dis song it’s best of it’s kind,and God bless u flavour.
I most say this song really touched my heart…. God bless Flavour
God is indeed God is the most high and may he bless the two of you for composing this song because it really touch my heart, love it so very much when ever am listening to it I feel like am with God himself
Indeed….u are….I can’t believe my eye….
indeed u are…..I can’t believe my eyes….
my God, I cry every time I listing to this song flavour
if only God can turn you into a Gospel singer,how I pray this blind boy could see after this song, oh God place open his sight.flavour you are the best may it not just be a song but with faith
I really love this Song, Flavour may God bless you
nice one by ijele 1 of Africa.
I was in tear when I heard the music may god bless flavor an the boy
flavour,indeed he is the most high, he will continr using u to tourch people hrt, u r always bless my dear.
Flavour just killed the beat kudos to you guys I so much love this hit
God bless u both.May the Almighty God make u see little boy, in Jesus name.
after hearing dz song tears couldn’t stop flowing uncle flavor God bless u for making dz poor blind boy dreams come ololo Jennifer
may god bless u flavour 4most high
so nice indeed
Oh! Lord let this blind boy be a point of contact to those whom have lost their faith and hope in you. God bless u flavor, hp u will continue the gospel.
I can’t stop repeating this song. it melt my heart. Semah God will continue guiding u. Thanks so much Flavour. this is my best song of the year
may God Almighty bless you,if a blind boy can take the work of God so serious they we that we are complete what we still waiting for,I was lost in the world now I have to surrender my soul back to most high God.praising God moves me a lot this song has made me to go back to my calling.thanks flavor for making his dream come true. much love dear
Wonderful.i was led into the spirit when i heard this song.please continue in this might,you will be celebrated before the thrown of heaven.and God’s generals on earth.
wahoo this song is superb,i felt the song.nice one.
The lord is ur strengh
Seriously Dx song melt my heart… De weaker I gt Wen I play it
It’s all tears all over my eyes. For twenty four hours now it’s still reaping on my PC. Am really touched. Ohhhh Father Forgive me and draw me closer to Thyself. …Ameen
i love the song
i pray to God to give ear to his prayers
wow am xo inpress wit this song men! u see every nit b4 I sleep I always love d song in fat I ear this song in my dreams all day favour u are best this yer ooooooooo most high………I love u favour how I wish I can just take a selfel wit u…
Most amazing song ever. Intresting, fabulous. And inspirational
Seeing Flavour from a Diff angle. This is great. God bless you for picking this handsome boy.
I pray that God will do his work in the little boys life, nice and sweet song, I love dis song with passion, I wish I could have ur phone number. here’s my number, 08082608127
The music is great.
I really love this my the good Lord bless u n more happiness n long life
The song is just.. Wonderful n encouraging.. God bless!
As I listen 2 dis wonderful music it really touches my hrt 2 d core, am really impressed as Flavour uses dat boy 2 inspire pple who r hopeless. I pray d boy regain his sight n use his talent 4 God n I also appreciate Flavour 4 helping 2 use his talent atleast 4 pple all over d world should learn 4rm dat song.
God Bless u for making his dream come true
l love u flavour for dis am so happy for u may god bless u, this song is excellent thanks
This song is real a moving song but i have to say this, don’t just be a singer because you want to make money but a real Christian, a believer in God Almighty and in the eyes men. Thanks alot for this awesome song
Flavour you have really added flavour to that blind boys life; God bless you
i so love you flavour and your lovely boy, may he keep on
people like is what Nigeria need,selfless,godly, truthful flavour for showing kindness to this young boy God will bless greatly
In deed u’re a talented arteste.May Most High God bless the work of ur hand and reward u aboundantly. thanks
Thanx u much more bro God bless you with your family
Mr Flavour God bless u . I jst cnt stop crying am reli touch by dis song .A big thx to u for bn a blessing to dis little boy. U r indeed bless to be a blessing Hallelujah. May ur good work done be recorded in de heaven’s Amen . Am proud of u dear . Much respect, salute. Amen.
This is really deep!
Flavour worship song,most hig
h, is d best album,is like God is calling back flavour to stick on worship song.
very interesting and wonderful kip it up
I thankgod for the life of the boy
God countinue to bless you.
i really love song so much. may God cointinue to strenghting you.
I didn’t believe it was flavor that sing this song till I watched the much love the song may God bless flavor and the little boy.
dis is great can’t hold my tears,God bless flavour for making de blind boy’s dream come true. in all God be thou highly honoured oh lord ebube ike,so happy to hear dis song
I was filled with love and Joy when I listened to this song. am so delighted. nice one Mr flavour n’abania
Nice one
wow its really touching I love these may God bless u two
Bro you have than it all . Salute, I was inspired by this particular truck..but, my only problem where the small boy played should be repeated ..but in all it a nice song .. salute again
4 dis awesome song, may God be praise
i really like this song God bless you flavour
Why can’t u change to gospel permanently
D lord is good and well done Mr flavour you’ve done a great job.. Stay blessed
indeed,Lord you are The Most High,Thank You Lord..Amen!Amen!Amen
yes lord you are the most high
its a good thing u decided to worship God,
nice song keep it up
can’t just stop imagine this is through
what a dream come alive the tears are burning in my soul
just keep hearing and hearing the song like
God bless you flavour God bless you semah G
this song it so in touching I can’t stop listening to it GOD bless u GHz l really love the song
Wow…so touching I love this song
The first tym I heard this song,I shed tears…..God bless u Flavour n tell Semar God loves him n we love him as well….
This is a soul changing one. May the good Lord bless you for your good work. Remain Blessed.
Thank you so much for this lovely song and thfor the dreams for the blind boy, may God bless you Favour..
Thank you so much for this lovely song and fo r making the dreams for the blind boy come true. may God bless you Favour..
may My God continue to bless you as you never let this boy dream cut short
Flavour for this work God has used you to work in this energetic, young and bold talented blind boy with magic voice, the Most High God will always have mercy on you and make ways for you. Thanks bro…
Semah G,God ll see u true keep it up.
I love this song
love it
Flavour gospel is your calling, pls leave secular. Thanks
i love dat boy may God continue to bless Mr Flavour for his good work Amen
Your star has already risen. Which start now.
Wwow u ar a very big challenge to me. If u can do dis Semah I shud b able to do better.
Yeah, this is fantastic. Also Flavour, this is a good one.
May God continue to guide and protect you. Remain blessed
flavour I like this song the first day that I listing this song somthing tooch me in my heart is the day that I deside to give my life to the most hight God and God will bless you and the boy
I just want to tank you for this song honestly I was crying when I hear this song and I know God who is too faithful to fail will open that wonderful son eyes I strongly believe. May God bless you for picking up the boy tank u
Flavour…May God bless you more and more..increase your territory more specifically on Music..wat a wonderfull song!
nice song
thanks for this one keep it up
god pls bles this boy
flavour that song tuch me i play it an i reapet it every day i love all ur song
Wow did song is gud,I can’t hold my tears any more,awesome
For me flavour should forget about those Nonsense music he usually sing,Bcs this one is the sweetest I ever heard from him,So he should keep it up always,Well really Nice one Flavour.
OMG!!! This song really melt my heart… So touching.. God bless you Mr. Flavour for showing this little boy to the world
Flavour make God that u praise I’m this music continue to bless and favour u amen for this boy that u have show to the world ur blessing will know no end.
this song is so touching to say truth
Thank God for a dream come true. Flavour ur cup will never run dry & I pray you continue in this might. To my little librarian more grace comes your way.
woww jok apart dis song melt my heart flavour n semah g wish to hear dis next time bcz dis is my best song of the year flavour kep it god bless u 4 me
flavour I love this song,am happy to c u perform with semah,thanks for been there for matter my condition at any point in time,am always happy whenever I hear ur music,ur music makes me very happy always.
hello sir keep it up when u keep sing God song he will bless u pls sir help dat handsome boy achieve it in life as u do so God will bless you and pls keep give me God sing God love u dat is y he gave u dat vioce
the Lord is really good to those who want him I was touched by the song I pray that God should make that boy to see. every day of his life he shall see a reason to thank God. God bless you.
God will bless you flavour for making what God has plant on this young boy to yield fruit.
So luvin n inspiring song, keep it up n more of dat
best song ever by Flavour
wow! am touched, oh my God this is really inspiring
God will continue to bless you flavor
May almighty God bless mr flavour and may the blind boy(semath) find favour in God sight
I love the song
Nice one flavor God bless you and the blind boy, really inspiring
Wow this song is an inspiration to my life Mr flavour hope you are born again for real and never to return to the world
This voice is anointed. God’s name be lifted. God give you more songs to the glory of HIs name.
This voice is anointed. God’s name be lifted. God give you more songs to the glory of HIs name.
Flavour is always the best because he touches every soul with his songs. I really cherish him much, I love your voice, thank God 4 the grace given to you. Good deed helping the blind boy!!
God is indeed the most high,honestly speaking this is the only song I truly love in all the songs u have sang Mr flavour may God Almighty bless u for making the dream of a blind boy come true AMEN
music that touch
Wooow ve always loved flavour from small and I know dere must be a good reason…..seeing dis 2day I am glad I choose you as my role model, my icon.
Dis song made me cry and still makes me cry whenever am listening to it,may almighty God bless you and for child I love you and as for your eyes you will see soon,
Love u flavour my legend
Am from Ghana flavour you are blessed may you never lack anything good for making this boy happy…
God is really wonderful in creating… That is to say,Do not look at your present situation of life…
Nice One Bro God Bless
wow i cant stop crying
imaging a blind boy singing
GOD pls forgive me who am i not to worship u
Thank u mr flavour fis song is so touching
GOD grant my heart desire let him receive his sight
Inspiring Song.
God is Great.
interesting and talented
God is great n so amazing , thank you Mr flavour for made the little boy’s dream come true ,,,be blessed guys
Good Mr flavour for disability wonderful track with this little God shall still increase ur testimony in Jesus name amen
God bless u
Mr flavour may God continue to bless u till u said is OK I really thank u for making this little boy happy as u make him happy God will still make u the most happiest in Jesus name Amen
it so wonderful,flavour continue ur good work
This song it really touched my heart……may God work on your mircla and let this talented small guy see please……flavour may God bless you keep doing a good job your help counts…
tanks so much flavour….may the Lord Almighty continue to bless….you
Semah Neva worry u shall do dat which ur parents did not do :I am moved to d extent of taking my brother phone without his consent- hold on God and Neva relent love you
Mr flavour god will continue to bless u and ur generationfor this help u rendered to this little boy u will lack nothing in jesus name.Amen. Remain blessed.
may God reward you for making de boy’s dream come to pass .
This is just wonderful
Just can’t hold my tears,
God indded is the most high
God is wonderful
God bless you Mr. Flavour for this. But did you know that you are going to bless more souls if you focus you talent on Gospel song? why don’t you just convert completely?
God blz u,u do all flavour
I really luv dis song it’s touching
hing 2 d hrt more elbow 2 u flavour
its good to be gud what a sweets and touching song, Mr flavor well don my dear
I really love this song is really touching in fact God is great, anytime I listen and watching it I feel like some shadows is over me…. May Heavenly Father continue to bless and keep the boy he is so adorable
I never watch this video, but watching it on my friend phone without even hearing what the music was saying, it really really touched my heart.oh Allah I thank u for what i am
I really love this song God bless you
am in love with ur music is gud u are d best flavour…
it is a good music
Wow… Am in love with dis song….
Thank you flavour God will continue to bless you this is one the best song i enjoy form you Tanks
God bless you in abundant Mr flavour.good example for other.
thanks flavour for putting smiles on dis young boys face am really happy,you made this boy the most happiest boy on earth
Wow!!what a wonderful ministration, God bless you mr flavor…. Keep it up #semah g…God bless you too
Nice one flavour may God continue to bless you n uplift u. Amen
Flavour this music is lovely
U will make a good gospel musician… Keep it up.
dis song tovched me so mvch that I couldn’t control my feeling anymore thanks to flavor for helping the little boy fvfil his dreams
Wen the boy sang I was touched,i so much love this song
This song is too much
God bless u flavour
may God in his infinite mercy continue to help u flavour… u are wonderful.
The song is soon touchy and inspiring… Kudos to flavour…. And for semah, ah pray greater heights for u.
God bless you Mr flavour nabania, the sky will be your beginning
Knowledge will continue to overflow in your life as you continue to produce touching song unlike the past ones. God bless you dear.
That was one of the Best from Flavor
I love you Flavor
keep the Gospel Going A reward for YOU
from the first day i listen to this song i fall in love with it,i wish i can meet flavour one on one to say God bless you
thank you for standing lively to the whole world that God is great stay blessed good servants
This is wht God wnt flavour to do for him dat is y he blessed him wth such a lovely voice, is a gradual process sooner or later he will convert, I luv dis music
God will bless flavour 4ever.
Flavour God richly bless you n ur descendants for helping the young Boi to achieve his aim
flavour may God blessing fall on u in 2018
May god bless you and the boy,
Fore making the beautiful son’s to people…
keep praising the Almighty GOD up!!!
May the Lord continue to shower you with His Divine blessings.
the song was an inspiration to me especially. with this song I now know that there is hope in every situation any man or woman is facing know. He / She should remember that der is just one God who can make the impossible possible. flavour may God Almighty enlighten you.if am to ask.I wish u can focus only on Christian music 09069212715
The song got to me yesterday from where and how he saw the boy…I’m so touched…there’s a clear difference between you and other musician Flavor…may God shower you his choicest blessings
Inspiring and heart touching song…. congrats
God bless Mr Flavour, God bless Semah, #greatsong #mosthigh
I love the song and I pray that God will that young boy eye
God bless you Mr flavor and the boy
Oh my God I feeling like cry oh my God NB show yuor miracle on dis boy Make he to know you are most high God
wow……I’m so glad, tears follows in my eyes,really love d song, I believe you Will open your eyes one day and see your beautiful mother and Mr flavor…
flavour may God almighty continue to help you as you help Dis talented young boy
flavour keep keeping on
Oh i really feel 4 the boy,the MOST HIGH will surely remember u one day! Keep it up Mr.Flavour.
Oh i really feel 4 the blind boy.The MOST HIGH will surely remember u one day! Keep it up Mr.Flavour
mush love mr.flavour
I couldn’t hold my tears..i can’t just stop praying for the boy and thanking flavour, God bless you
God You Are The Most High By Flavour Really Touch Me, Thank You So Much God For Using Flavour And The Little Boy On This Son” Your Praise We Will Never Dry On Their Mouth! They Will Continue Praising You And Also Praise You Forever, Flavour Please Convert To Gospel You Have Been Bless God Will Highly Bless You More Than Your Expectation” You Are So Good In Gospel Music, Whenever You Dropped Any Gospel I Do Fill Touched Please Use Yourself For God He Will Highly Reward You In The Mighty Name Of Jesus…Amen
I regard this as the best song for you because its all praises to God.. thanks for having that boy in the song.. Mr flavor you are so good in this pliz..for God’s sake
I pray that by De close of this year,this child will see as he believe GOD makes De blind man to see.AMEN!! flavour thank you very much.I also pray all disabled could get such a wonderful talent AMEN!! the song really touched my heart
wow u have touch lives, heal and save souls sir, keep it up
Dis is so great job from mr. Flavour just to say….you are bless
Keep it up flavor
I pray for more grace upon you peoples life in Jesus name (Amen)
This song is really touching souls.. I thank God for giving Flavour and that my cute intelligent boy the wisdom to release this song.
I swear it will deliver many souls from going to hell cause its really really touching . I pray may God continue to put more touchable songs that would make you to grow highter and higher..
oh this really touch heart,,,, Mr flavour Weldon sir,,,, I love this,,,,, jah bless the little talented boy and u
This song has anointing
It has inspired me
God bless Mr flavour
Nic song uplifting God bless you with the boy
I was really blessed and encouraged by this song. At least I can still remember that He is the father and mother to the orphans.
Hmmmm flavour na you sing this kind song you that like ukwu so much
From ukwu Sara mbada to you are the most high
I so much Love this song so inspiring
And the little boy vocal is so sweet
Did he add honey watch all my comedy on YouTube at Fedra comedy.
Really hpi 4 u Mr Flavour,nt 4 anytin buht 4 making dis boi dreams comes through(08109094547)
very heart touching with dis little blind boy, more blessing to u, the God almighty will continue to take you to greater higher
Flavour’s kind disables would have been also favored.thank you Mr.flavour
Mr flavour… You have really done a great work. God will continue to bless you.
mr chinedu okoli popularly known as flavour may the almighty God continue to bless you for bringing such an heart touching song nd to make the dream of this young boy come true…more grace to ur elbow.
So touching a soul lifting song with that little blind boy, much more grace Flavour. My prayer is GOD THE MOST HIGH as d song title is will perfect HIS DIVINE HEALING on d little to regain his sight, IJMN, AMEN!!!
I was moved by this song, the lyrics, the rhythm, the beat and everything. It was a blessing indeed. God is indeed the Most high. I think flavour should go into gospel song fully. God bless them.
Can’t even hold my tears, thanks Mr falvor for this song so touching
Flavor my brother you have been the given this talent to praise God and i think this song has sounded better than anything i have heard from you
Flavor my brother you have been the given this talent to praise God and i think this song has sounded better than anything i have heard from you
I am really touched.
Everything will be possible for us if we have such songs played in our hearts every day.
Thank you.
May God lift you to the maximum to know how good it is to inspire people with the Gospel.
I never heard about this until yesterday when I was searching for Kenny blaq to watch I saw this was shaky and shed tears. Am a Christian, I dnt praise God at all, I always demand from God. This song has made me to change my character towards God. Flavour continue doing good works, I DNT like hip hop artistes but you made me to love hip hop artistes for the first time which is YOU. Grace of God will not leave you, you will not die, grave will not locate you and your families, evil shall not befall you. Continue to take care of that handsome boy. God want you to take care of him that’s y u met him. Thanks so Much for making his dream come through. Semah a great voice you have, God will heal you. I need more of this collaboration of this type of song. Flavour you can sing for Africa. What a nice voices from both of you
I like your song may God richly bless you
wow…I just can’t hold back my tears..flavour u’ve done well.. may God bless you.
And the blind boy still acknowledged His the most high…. What’s your story? ..
God Bless you and bless your career for such an inspiring song uv composed to praise God
This is wonderful
Because of this song you will be free from blindness
the song really touched my soul
The Most high bless you flavour
Wonder to flavour bravo,kudos
I really like the song,may our Lord Jesus Christ!who died for our sins,to bless u’no matter in the situation u are u;be healed in the mighty name of the Christ
flavour most height
Flavour u r too much 4 helping the blind boy to achieve his dream.
Keep it up.
God bless u
May God reward you Mr.Flavour,just as u hv flavoured ds young boy by making his dream a reality and by flavouring our souls with d song make God continue to Flavour ur life with his blessings. Amen!
God richly bless u and the boy for putting the smile on the boy’s face. Am happy for the song thank u so much for what u think n brought to the world
after watching the video i had a great feeling dat after the song that boy will receive a great touch from God for blessing his name despite his condition
Like this
each day of my life that I listen to this particular song tears always run out my eyes ….cox with this song u can communicate wit the creator of heaven and earth …I bless you lord for making things alright for this poor blind boy ….am so happy…god bless flavour.
Each day of my life I listen to this wonderful song …tears always roll out my eyes..coz it’s too emotional u can communicate so easily with the one who created you . god bless you flavour
can’t stop loveing this music less
wow I luv dis Jam…. #zambia
after watching that video i had a great feeling dat the boy will receive a healing power of God for praising his name despite his condition
May God bless you in all what you do. May God see you through all the things you do for helping this poor blind boy achieve his talent.
God bless u f flavor
God bless u flavor 4 making his dream come thru
Wow flavour ur 2moch may de all mighty God streighting u de more i so moch love dis track keep it up
Thank you Jesus for recognizing dis boy, it really ur grace n unlimited favour upon his life. I really do appreciate Mr Flavour for his love n kindness toward dis little boy, I wish oda musicians can also do same by inspiring oda pple life, nt just singing but also oda things, Mr Flavour I love u for ur actions and I will always love ur song.
Wow can’t just hold back my tears
Wonderful song
waaaaw!!!!Am just short of words,Mr flavour keep the fire burning
Benediction b ur portion and also may the Almighty God bless you and your family for making semah dreams come true.
Flavor, the song is blessing
you are to worship God that is the inspiration given you to but your diverting from the will of God leave early thing and build your fit on solid rock
Woaw this song is so touching, Thank God for this wonderful song by Flavour.
what a nice and touching song keep it up flavor the Lord is with you always
Wow, I’m short of words, God bless you Mr flavour, and the little boy with great future.
Wow, I am short of words, God bless you Mr Flavour and little boy with great future.
I really love dat song God blessed u nd d boy
Dis is really inspiring pls keep it on nd God will bless u more.
Flavor God bless for this little blind boy
What a banger. I can’t stop listening to this song. keep it up Flavor. The blind boy will live with it.
This is the first time I have been touched by ur like God where are u just heal him dat he can see
Beautiful song
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Nice job
Amazing music bro
I pray God will restore his sight and bring him back to normal
Kudos again.
the song was a wonderful one which gives me often sense of relaxation. more grace to ur elbow
My good brother, Flavour you have done a good job here, may God almighty in his infinite mercy grant you more of your heart desires through Christ Jesus our Lord Amen. This music really caught me. thanks a lot for your commendable understanding and good doings ….
Indeed, no human being is useless, visually impaired or not, disable or able. No kind of help is a waiste. Flavour my friend and brother, as you brought your time and self out to showcase this little boy to world, God Almighty shall send you a helper that will take you to your glory and help you in every area you need help Amen. Thank you Jesus.
Can’t hold the tears.
May God bless u bro
God bless your for dropping it and also bless u for given us the opportunity to download it free. May the good God that u are lifting high lift you too in Jesus name.
God is great
This is the best of all more gracia
please don’t leave that little boy I can’t stop crying
God will restore ur sight my dear
What a wonderful gospel song is this , God bless u more
godbelss u
this really touch my heart deeply.. I like the young boy
May all might God bless you and your family 4 making a young boy dream come true and i prayer dat u will never luck a nothing in Jesus name amen
Flavour u wil never lack ds is d kind of help heaven wil never 4get and internity wil reward u.i dnt knw u can do ds,among all of all u are d best musician ever.tnks 4 ds kind of love my hero.
wow, this is so wonderful brother, I really like the talent in that boy, he is an inspiration.
God bless u flavour for helping d small boy.May God help u too
This is one of the best song i have ever listen to. I thank God for the life of Flavour and to make Semah smile again in his life. This song make me understand more in life. When there is life there is hope and never give up on your self and trust in God. God is GOOD. Love you Flavour and may God protect you from every danger in life as you go.
Yes indeed he is the most high God may he continue to bless you all the crew for the great job you are doing these special tune touches my heart most oh yes
God is great
Wow this song was pretty awesome l was really touched by this song. Mr flavour why don’t you switch to gospel cos if you do, we would really love it….
Like the song so much
What a song I like the song well well especially the little boy they did well
my oga mrr flavour u too oh may god lead u to sing more gospel music
This song gave me the tad tears that last long .i love this music. .
I couldn’t wait to download this song, it’s highly spirited. More of this Mr Flavour
Flavour you have lifted a soul, this one that you have done is a seed you have sown your generation will not recover from it. Amen
Well composed song full of holy words
Keep it up flavour
You dd a very good song
Dis song really touch my heart more grace to u flavour……
many thanks to the Almighty GOD. I am proud of you guys. Keep it up.
More Grace
such a wonderful song, it we be gud if music are also singing gospel songs…
this has changed my faith in God…my God wat man can not do for you
this song has changed my faith in God…may God do wat man can not do for you
You truly the ” THE MOST HIGH ” no one is like you #BABA
I really love this song. The most will continue to enlarge you. You will not fail in Jesus name. Love you.
May the almighty God continue to bless his own music ministers whom bringbrings forth his glory and his presence thanks Mr flavor for you wonderful impartation for this boy that GOD will use nightly to proclaim his word through music
It’s a pleasure of hearing Mr. Flavour ft Semah’s song most high I love it very much more.I couldn’t wait to hear the song again and again.
May Jehovah God richly bless you Mr. Flavour and dear who commented faithfully.
Blind is just big problem to human but never disabled nor unfaithful person.
I will love to hear your new track.
Jah bless all
May God grant flavour internal life and make him as his son
thanks flavour for the song with semi g. its lealy touching song my God our lord continue favouring you in every thing you do because of the heart you have for such people. bless you
Flavor u are really a wonderful man sent to comfort Semah, l couldn’t hold my tears after watching hmmmmm!!! Lord you are great
This SONG has really pinned my heart,continue to sing gir the most high and He will bles u
God bless u flavor. u have done a great thing in his life,semah God bless u and your family.Am very happy for u.
I really love this song .God please have mercy on Semah and bless him and flavour more .wonderful voices they have.
He is truly God given talented kid i set my eye :Dflavour God bless u 4 de support
I really love this song wonderful voice indeed
Very touching,keep it up
It take a day 4 ones life 2 change,me in particular thank GOD 4 his life and dat of d little boy.
thank you flavour continue with gospel i like your spirit
No matter the time u fall in life u will live to declare the goodness of the Lord u do all bro
Mr flavor u are too much u do all
Flavour you’re good God bless you.
nice song
wow!! this is awesome
Glory to God Almighty
Am touched by this song (am in tears)
the is awesome and touching keep it up Mr flavour.
God bless u Flavour
God bless this boy mr thak u very much go ahead plz
God bless you Mr Flavor for helping this young boy for his dream to come true I am touched by this song nothing is impossible for God indeed the Most High
mind blowing song
Flavor God bless u and semah I really love ur music a lot when I grow older I will love to sing like u
Flavor God bless u and semah I really love ur music a lot when I grow older I will love to sing like u
I really love this song God bless you
this song is encouraging
oh my God.. I really like this song it, may God continue to bless Flavor and semah
My the Good Lord grant u your heart desires
Mr flavour you so kind man and may god continue to Bless you
I was bless by dis song cus I couldn’t stop thinking of it each day wit tears in my eye just to give glory to the most High.
really very powerful love it
really very powerful love it
wow great song
Flavour you are really worthy of emulation for putting smile on this child’s face may God also meet your at point of your needs.
Dear God, I know that I am a sinner but I beg you to please heal this child to glorify you name; in Jesus name I pray. Thank you Lord.
Wow this song motivate me
Wow this song motivate me
God bless u Mr. Flavour for dz u av done for dz poor boy, plz continue to b his sight!!
I love this songs ooo am inspired
The song really make me to fall in love with God more.
The song really make me to fall in love with God more.
It is a powerful worship. I love this song coz wen I listen it takes me so high
God who gives Joy.
We’re truly loved.
Mr Flavour, God will richly bless you for coming to this little helpless bland boy side to change his story. God will award you more, to bring hope to the hopeless in Jesus Name. Amen. A club for you!!!!
Wow this is wonderful
God is good all the time hundreds times this song is my no#1 every morning I woke up i praise lord with this song
Thanks to the great voice this two true hero of God
God bless
I like it so much
May God give us our wishes ,l like it so muh
i cried when he said you made the blind man to see God i wish you can make him to see
God bless u but i want you stop singing worldly songs
God we take u high
ma lord bless you
nice tune
I get goose bumps anytime I hear this song. God bless u .
More blessings really dis song inspires me alot
i couldn’t hold down my tears at the first time I heard dis song….de people in Ghana here love dis song soo much,may God bless you mr flavour.
Thank you Jesus for everything in life
wow flavour you are wonderful, your music in an inspiration element, love you
In you I see wisdom and in with wisdom you shall prosper. Mr flavour God will continue to bless an protect you through Christ our Lord, Amen
Yes the lord will keep and ur wife I pray may the lord give u long life u shall not die young u and ur wife amen
love you
Nice One,i Love This Song. It Is Wonderful
This is the first song that made my suprano voice heard, more blessings to the both of u
God is working, nice voice
God bless u keep on with good song more vhim more gospel can wait
I really love you semah.
Anytime I hear your voice, then am happy
May God answer all semah‘s prayers
May God continue to strengthen you, infact I love it, we need more videos
Wow! This is amazing