Idk but I cried while listening to this beautiful masterpiece. It’s so catchy and soulful, music is really art alright. Johnny, you are so talented but I don’t know why you are so underrated.
Your songs make sense
You’re really the best
You’re not singing like these Street guys don’t bother whether people don’t know you or you are underated when it’s time for the world to see you
You yourself will be shocked
I really don’t know how to flirted or say sweet words but believe me,if u continue this way,then the sky is ur limit.Am so in luv with your kinda music and personality.wish to meet u in person
More inspiration from God Mr john.ur music ways are differently from others out there,i think they should consult you for lecture about music,your kind of songs can make a man feel relief from challenges and situations around Nija.
So amazing…I luv dis song so much dat I’ve to listen to d song five times a day.Just has perfume and incence bring joy to d heart,so does this song springs forth d happiness in me.JOHNNY DRILLE,keep it up and God bless ur hustle.
Jonny drills your song is international standard, may God bless you and give you more grace and wisdom to do more of this, please don’t compromise this standard.. Keep it up
When I start heard this song I asked “who is the American country musician speaking pidgin?”
Its a year & half now, yet I am far from being tired of this song.
More of this, please..
When I watched Royal hibiscus hotel and this song was played I thought it was a foreigner. I never knew it was from a beautiful soul that is a Nigerian. Your voice is just so so amazing.. this is what we call music the sky is your limit
This is super amazing. On point.
9jaflaver is the thing now woow great stafff
Johnny Drille your songs are dope
Let me download this track and listen to it
I know sey u won’t fall my hands
Johnny you are bless.. keep moving you are unstoppable..
Jonny i really love your songs,keep it up,you are moving higher.
Johnny i really love your song your the best keep moving higher

Johnny, u just keep making my day with your amazing songs. thanks a lot more grease on your elbow
Johnny may God continue to be with you and help you to do more of this,I really love your songs especially wait for me I love a lot keep it up guy
Really wait for me is the best one…..
Johnny ur songs are always dope keep it rolling
Johnny may God contious help you. i like your songs, bcos you has a sweetest voise keep contious trying, wish you all the best
just perfect
Idk but I cried while listening to this beautiful masterpiece. It’s so catchy and soulful, music is really art alright. Johnny, you are so talented but I don’t know why you are so underrated.
what nice song!
he is just amazing and all his songs have been touching me
That great
That gorgeous
Johnny you a blessin… A blessing to Nigeria
Johnny i dont have many words to say,I JUST LOVE YOUR SONGS.!!
U the best man,from Namibia
I love your songs guy
Lovely, don’t mind the distraction. In years to come ur song will still stand out.
nice song
romeo and juliet it is…. Very inspirational and cool….. Thumbs up johnny…… I beg no make dem ladies start looking for their johnny someday oooo
This track is dope
Drill your voice is so natural you don’t suppose to be in Nigeria.your the best so far!
Jonny will you marry me pls… Cos ur voice na die
dis song is beautiful. gud song * more grace to ur elbow.
Drille!!! u my nigga! Nice job man… BIG UP!
Eish Johnny you are good. Keep up the good work your music has really touched my soul..
Wouuuuuuwwww good job ma boy love u sooo
more blessing Johnny I really love your songs
Your songs is WOW
Johnny u be baba nla
this is the best song ever
Your songs make sense
You’re really the best
You’re not singing like these Street guys don’t bother whether people don’t know you or you are underated when it’s time for the world to see you
You yourself will be shocked
John may God be with you in and help you to achieve your projects
Johnny more grace ahead I real love ur song
Johnny! Your songs lure me tonight everyday. Romeo and Juliet, Wait for Me, Hallelujah…. Thumbs up man!
johnny ur songs are perfect
Nice one
U look cool and your voice is lovely
johnny ur songs r superb i rilly do luv dem.nice track here kip it up..#nice_one
wat a nyc nd amazing voice.ur voice sounds foreign thumbs up!
All ur songs are amazing
it’s a good music it makes me feel better
it’s a good music it makes me feel better when I’m sad
JOHNNY I love you and your songs so much
I xo mush love you Johnny, just bursting my brain everytime.
I love him…..
He is just so amazing
wow i love your songs so much keep the vibes going please
keep it up, good lyrics, beat, settings, storyline, and to top it all fantastic voice. God bless u.
I really love your songs…u are d best
heartwarming……… keep it up
wow I love u buddy,u my favorite,I love all songs,especially this one,n that one wait for me
I really don’t know how to flirted or say sweet words but believe me,if u continue this way,then the sky is ur limit.Am so in luv with your kinda music and personality.wish to meet u in person
More inspiration from God Mr john.ur music ways are differently from others out there,i think they should consult you for lecture about music,your kind of songs can make a man feel relief from challenges and situations around Nija.
So amazing…I luv dis song so much dat I’ve to listen to d song five times a day.Just has perfume and incence bring joy to d heart,so does this song springs forth d happiness in me.JOHNNY DRILLE,keep it up and God bless ur hustle.
God bless u richly
Jonny drills your song is international standard, may God bless you and give you more grace and wisdom to do more of this, please don’t compromise this standard.. Keep it up
God bless you abundantly
Johnny I love all ur songs, I just wish I could have a chance to meet you I will b d happiest person on earth, God bless u Johnny
Johnny ur songs are so amazing, I wish I have a chance to meet you I will b d happiest person on earth, God bless u Johnny
Am from uganda I like Johnny drille’s music coz keeps me thinking of my galfrnd evride
Just wishing Johnny drill success
I really luv ur song @johnny drilled,keep it up nd more success ijn
johnny best of all
johnnny best of all, keep it up more sucess bro
jonny driille well done done for the beautiful track continue your inspiration
You are good
You are too much, I love you
Everyday crush
Romeo and Juliet is an amazing song keep it up I love you so much Johnny drill
Romeo n Juliet
Man your song is amazing
From the lyrics to the tune, beat
Everything is so soft
Love this song so much Jonny keep up
Your song really makes my day, man you’re great
your songs are so cool its makes me happy any time am sad. keep it up johnny your really good
Johnny drille ur are the best God bless you my big brother
Lyk 4 real ure songz a dope I love listening 2 dem u
Nice music junny you are the best in nigga I swear more inspiration
keep it up John u are one of my best artist and May God continue giving u grace
Jonny you are making us move forward thanks
make sense
Beautiful vibes
I love your songs so much
Bcoz your voice is amazing
I love it wish you longlife.
When I start heard this song I asked “who is the American country musician speaking pidgin?”
Its a year & half now, yet I am far from being tired of this song.
More of this, please..
turamwemera& turagukunda
this song can move a mountain
journey May Your Trip Be Unlimited
johnnyyyy drille….. yah the best
You are the best guy, i need you to sing more. Johnny drill.
You are amazing,God bless you…
this indeed is a brilliant
This has been my favourite song since day one
I love Johnny drille’s songs
all ur album got me crazy every moment I listen to it.. more inspiration John..
Im 2Eagle upcoming art I think you did a good work here ok, ,song produced through the inspiration from a old popular story
He’s good
Jonny, I love you and your songs, I hope to see you someday, I will give you a big hug
Thanks for d good entertainment
I love everything about you especially when it comes to singing
I need that song ultimate love I love song it’s nice Johnny u are good singer
Jonny ur songs are awesome. I love them so much
Yoo daa best jonny
I love your songs Johnny keep it up
johnny more to u ( I love ur music)……
Oh Johnny you are so sweet
i love your songs so much….
Keep it up
I love
nice one
Your voice is so sweet
So sweet
Heart touching. Thanks Johnny.
Johnny I really love ur songs they are motivating and glorious most especially Shine
Joeney really like your songs
Johnny dats cool,i love ur song nd d way u sing
I heard jst one of his songs and u had to go download more
Kleypas uganda 4da very frst tym i listened 2 yo music i really felt free keep it up coz yo muzic is dea 2 mend brocken hearts love u man
If musicians all like, I would say music is the career
When I watched Royal hibiscus hotel and this song was played I thought it was a foreigner. I never knew it was from a beautiful soul that is a Nigerian. Your voice is just so so amazing.. this is what we call music
the sky is your limit
John Gud song big up
Your are the best
Your are the best
classic exeraordinary
Best like no one as ever done this.i love it .
D day I heard d song I felt so pleased
Nice voice u gat there
Keep it up
I love you boss… keep it up
Johny i love ur song so much with sweat voice u have guy i appreciated
Keep it up man!
I dey enjoy your music, keep it up senior man
So beautiful, gonna play it at my wedding, heard it in the film The Royal Hibiscus Hotel, any one reading this go watch the film, It’s really nice.