Mr p don’t know nothing when it comes in good music but
Rude boy is the voice
that’s what we call vocalist
king of R&b
I love u bro
Mr p will never pass u
because u be the voice
see commenters please stop all these rubbish Mr p is the best / rude boy is the best. first of all u made a nice hit. secondly remember u guys promised ur mum, please re-unite, and ur hit will equally be special pleas. LUV u guys
To be honest for me when it comes to music there is no doubt that you are the best rudeboy, and when it comes to dance your brother Mr p is the best. But that is not the point. Please reunite with your brother because together you guys are stronger. Respect once more for this song.
I love this Music. Cudos to you Rude boy.
please let’s stop talking bad about the other. We should help them reunite, If they are really apart. please.
Rudeboy can sing very well but i prefer mr p than rudeboy because rudeboy is pompous he art like senior over mr p which is not good even as that mr p can sing rudeboy can also sing but mr p dance pass rudeboy 100 times. That is not what am talking about all am saying is i want the name p square too be exist again plz i beg of u for the sake of ur fans okay just try and make peace am one of ur fans David Barker.
Are u guys trying to bring the brothers back or you are separating them the more? Paul pls settle with your brother and let peace reign in your family. God bless you guys
hmm,rude boy has the voice no doubt but he needs his twin brother to hit the top again… Now I really understand what p-square was all’s just like Ronaldo and Messi.. Ronaldo work hard to get to the top while Messi is natural talent.. truth be told I think Mr. p is little bit ahead of king rude boy and that is hard work.and more over when you are working as a group there as to be a leader.. rude boy was always the man starting most of the songs(Voice) but it doesn’t mean he’s writing all the songs.. with p-square it will be better.. come back boys!
King ruddy i love u,u are the best among the two,u can dance,but u choose to just sing for some reasons,MR P also talented in dancing and can sing,but i stand for a united P SQUARE.
Nice one rudeboy
But pls unite with ur brother
I love u
Pls rudeboy u and your brother should come back together I love you both
Good one boss but it will be best when you reunite with Mr P..
Rude boy always making sense, I love u bro. Its now obvious that u’re the voice behind all the hits P.Square had. Thumbs up bro.
obobo u dont no any tin about music mr.p. is d mean root yeah no vex
U are a fool idiot wot do u knw abt music
You are mad
nice one
boss u too much but I beg for united with Mr p.
mr.p is the best ok but u try
na lie and you be fool by say DAT
if u know what is real music
must know rude boy is the best
u think say this na dancing
MR.SKY_GUY: GOD bless u my brother u sabi somtin na rudeboy.
Nice one …….two is power
Mr p don’t know nothing when it comes in good music but
Rude boy is the voice
that’s what we call vocalist
king of R&b
I love u bro
Mr p will never pass u
because u be the voice
Fire fire
how sweet will it be if is you and your second doing al dis pls reunit o beg
rude boy 9ce job …but Mr p is d boss when it comes 2 gud music
Bro nice one mr.p or no mr.p plz u guyz should jst reunite
people we talk say mr p is better dan rude boy no know good music for de life de be upcoming artist
Nice one my
star, but pls come back with ur brother bcuz even blood is thicker than water so pls come back….
nice one but one thing remain your brother
nice song
but unite wit ur brother
the song z so emotional
When its comes to touching music’s Mr P is best
Nice one but nothing like brother, re concern him then God will do something impromptu to your life
My way – mr P much better
see commenters please stop all these rubbish Mr p is the best / rude boy is the best. first of all u made a nice hit. secondly remember u guys promised ur mum, please re-unite, and ur hit will equally be special pleas. LUV u guys
Weda u lyk it or not rude boi is ma guy
It’s good as expected…but being together with Mr.P is the best thing… we miss a lot of stuffs
Great one and I will also be glad if u guys will unite… P-Square not Rude boi or Mr P

i can’t stop meditating on the song because is all about love. nice one
Mir rudeboy that your song stand still I love it,in fact is my caller tone please keep up
rudeboy is my mentor i love u, u r the best but pls go back to your bro dat ur blood.
bro you too much joo the song day make me catch cool when ever here dis song rude you be do boss . i love you bro you killed it bro
It’s epic, evergreen
al wht i need is psquar nt rud or mr p
A very nice song
To be honest for me when it comes to music there is no doubt that you are the best rudeboy, and when it comes to dance your brother Mr p is the best. But that is not the point. Please reunite with your brother because together you guys are stronger. Respect once more for this song.
ruby boy is better d mr can see the big different from his songs
Love ur songs but we need u guys together
A tree can never make a forest so you both should come together Tomag.
Ruuuuuude boy! Nwenne Mr p plz
come together again
more suger in tea as u do so
Mr P is far very much better than Rudeboy both in singing and dancing.
Dat is gud
Pretty good
nice won mehn
Mr p all d way
real good music dat wats u give us
Hmmmm see comment everywhere, still no psquare, anyway, if u guys must know, mr p is still the best, he has a second partner,(His son). #EBANO.
Nice one Rudeboy, but this would have been nicer if you had done it with your twin brother .
guy u don’t have to say such ting,their music is OK,but let them come together
Mr p and Rude boy you guys have to come back together as brothers please
Omg I love your music
Marry me plz
I love this piece!
I love this Music. Cudos to you Rude boy.
please let’s stop talking bad about the other. We should help them reunite, If they are really apart. please.
Funny you
Nice one rude boy but you just have to try all your best to come together with Mr p love one bro man.
mr p is d best he has won 2award after splite but rude boy is yet to win
I love it
Rudeboy remains the best, but with the 2 of you everything will be awesome and beautiful, please come together as before please…
You are the best but we will love it if you guys comes together as one bro..
Love U
Rudeboy can sing very well but i prefer mr p than rudeboy because rudeboy is pompous he art like senior over mr p which is not good even as that mr p can sing rudeboy can also sing but mr p dance pass rudeboy 100 times. That is not what am talking about all am saying is i want the name p square too be exist again plz i beg of u for the sake of ur fans okay just try and make peace am one of ur fans David Barker.
Are u guys trying to bring the brothers back or you are separating them the more? Paul pls settle with your brother and let peace reign in your family. God bless you guys
I like yo songs bro u need Mr p
together we archive, individually we fall. i want to see you again being on stage with your bro
Rude boy is the best and I mean it.
P square is the best but ruuuuuuud hmmmm u na fire,p square are my fovourit artist in world back then but now starbooy don take first
I like your music bro
anyway nice song but i want u to reason with me by cornniving with your bro mr p to make p square again.
hmm,rude boy has the voice no doubt but he needs his twin brother to hit the top again… Now I really understand what p-square was all’s just like Ronaldo and Messi.. Ronaldo work hard to get to the top while Messi is natural talent.. truth be told I think Mr. p is little bit ahead of king rude boy and that is hard work.and more over when you are working as a group there as to be a leader.. rude boy was always the man starting most of the songs(Voice) but it doesn’t mean he’s writing all the songs.. with p-square it will be better.. come back boys!
nothing like brother in this world
especially twins…. you’re the best but come back together as psquare
Am in love with this song king rudy ,but plz make things work with your bro again plz. I love you guys
You all are very very stupid.
Paul u really try in this track I love the song
King ruddy i love u,u are the best among the two,u can dance,but u choose to just sing for some reasons,MR P also talented in dancing and can sing,but i stand for a united P SQUARE.