Download Video:- Paul Okoye (Rudeboy) – Nkenji Keke - 9jaflaver

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Download Video:- Paul Okoye (Rudeboy) – Nkenji Keke

    Posted by on January 11, 2018,

Download Video:- Paul Okoye (Rudeboy) – Nkenji Keke


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  1. Anonymous says:

    You too much. Keep it up

  2. EHIZ says:

    You too much. Keep it up

  3. Moses says:

    Paul is too good,I love u bro

  4. shollymo says:

    paul as proved it to the whole world that, he can do it along even without a back.

  5. Abubakar Audu says:

    Here is the real p-square we know good job may god protect u one luv

  6. PEACE TONY says:

    RUDEBOY,i dey feel you…ur just gud…ur fance ar proud of you

  7. Mayor yb says:

    Baba is ur boy mayor ,I like ur jobs from day one today am praying DAT one I record my song wit sir

  8. Raphgoddy says:

    Two is far better than one,,,,, so the story goes…. I know you can do it without your brother.. but your mind is not always at peace.. remember blood is blood.. so those enemies will always be smiling when you guys are quarreling. so therefore I plead for reconciliation between both of you.. God bless you All

  9. Cynthia says:

    I really love dis song, more blessings for you

  10. Nneoma says:

    Your fans are proud of you 101%

  11. Anonymous says:

    I play this song more than 50 times a day. .. kept on repeating it… this song is dope.. it really gat me… thanks Paul

  12. kopyeep Kopyal says:

    you sing together, live together, sleep together, achieved your goals together, as the whole world knows, but how you people part now that you’ve grown to some stage of maturity, blood is ticker than water, and reconciliation is the best answer to your problems, though like you ,but am not a fans of one but two, so try a make love be your guardian on earth ,and I will be happy to hear in future that you’re one again as before. love the brothers

  13. uches says:

    Paul u dey 4ok up

  14. gudy x bad says:

    Da gud of u guyz i wish u all luck

  15. Anonymous says:

    I have always known Paul is the real man behind p square. Good job bro

  16. wisdomboy says:

    nice one bro,i respect you joor

  17. Victor says:

    lt means a lot if I could stay till now just to download and listen to this song. More grace bro. Luv ur songs a lot so always keep me alive here by cooking more songs. yes, I called it cooking because your songs are really pleasant and you take your time before bringing it down from the fire. #RespectRudeboy# .

  18. Anonymous says:

    my dearest Brothers compuration is the best in life my brothers the world is not urs is nt mi let the love leads if should call you today u are going empty handed u would go with anything so always appreciate what God gives you my brothers

  19. ASAI says:

    Pull u ar so good in music industry,kip it on

  20. ASAI says:

    Paul,u ar so gud in music industry,kip it on

  21. jay jackson says:

    bros i love ur song,ur song always makes me feel better in lfe more any order song pls my bro i will love u 2 reconcile

  22. Anonymous says:

    Is me mryagi in kogi state I will like yours cums together I luv bot urs

  23. Clement says:

    Nice work….. Keep it up

  24. Kingsnova says:

    Paul,you Are The Real Voice Of Psquare…#samevoicesamekindofmusic

  25. de young minister says:

    My dearest brothers love is a companionship for every thing. I love you guys cope ration. But is like Paul is the voice behind the music industry. I love both of songs but pls come together again may the Lord bless unna in Jesus name ?

  26. Imohimi says:

    Paul your music is so fantastic and I love hearing your music and anytime I play it I always have peace of mind but bro I will like you and your blood brother to always be together in terms of the music i industry and it will serve more better blood is blood OK.

  27. king Nero says:

    you are good,no doubt about that. But please don’t mind all this home breakers you and your brother are better with each other. …you guys rules the entertainment world,so make up #forgetpride #family

  28. fortune luv says:

    Nice one
    My best ringtone

  29. Adesboy says:

    u are special among all the musicians that we have in naija keep it on

  30. by Gloria says:

    I like dis song ,,, kip it up bro bt pls don’t allow devil to seperate u just like this please abeg u in jesus name please do part like b4 Peter is ur blood brother just forgive and forget .

  31. Emmatech Emmanuel Chinemerem says:

    pls my fellow twin am pleading you with the name of God go and reconcile with your twin brother thank you.

  32. nancy says:

    I was f**king mad when I heard the audio,,, mehn I went crazily gaga watching the are a GREAT GIGANTIC STAR..may God keep you long and gives you can’t never realize how strong you are,if you ain’t alone

  33. Tayoung lesley says:

    Apart from you noo on else rudeboy of p square, you both are very talented

  34. Director Enyida says:

    Pls all I’ve to say, I for brothers too come as one.

  35. Hephzibah ibingibo says:

    I want peace to reign between peter and Paul, let them not separate anymore. they came to this world together, it is one blood that flows through their veins. they should come back as one, that is all I want.

  36. Kelechi says:

    Paul pride is 2much

  37. lucky boy says:

    you are the best. rude boy

  38. Anonymous says:

    Remember hw both of u started, y nw

  39. Lazboy says:

    You knows hw both of u started

  40. Anonymous says:

    U are wonderful but two head they say dat is better than one. It pain me allot went I remember that u are no more one. Remember went u guy told us that Peter and Paul them be one no be two. Then why can u reconciled with ur brother and become one again.Please u came to this world together, also achieved ur goal together y not maintain this togetherness 4rever.

  41. starry West fb says:

    Am so happy nd proud whn ever i hear dis song… Keep it on, i am wit u belive…

  42. john sunday (rudeboy) says:

    Paul, u are my role model, u are real pquare, pquare voice in all pquare songs keep it up, i play ur song only everyday, nice one bro.

  43. JOSEPH says:

    i believe u bro keep it on…. but am not happy for u Guy’s.

  44. Anonymous says:

    you are more than p 2 bro

  45. chibaby says:

    I really love this music , p square ( Rude boy) am not happy with you guys, this is not the p square I used to know, you guys have change but pls try to reconcile with your brother… love all your music dear… keep it up the Lord is your muscle…

  46. CHIGOZiE says:

    Rude boy entertainment moved on u 2 much

  47. Sam okotia says:

    Best song ever

  48. Anonymous says:

    It will be good when u ar together

  49. Anonymous says:

    the video is a very nice video , rude boy fan

  50. tryson mpasela says:


  51. St.liuz says:

    Always rude boy

  52. Anonymous says:

    d music keep me busy anytime I listen to the music you too much rudeboy

  53. Anonymous says:

    the song is a hit and thriller : I like to see you two are together again , you sang well when you were one and it was fascinating more than being separated!

  54. Anonymous says:

    Nice song

  55. Gift Zambia says:

    I love you Rude Boy

  56. Anonymous says:

    Rudeboy! If it not because of your song’s I for not used memory card or big phone

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