Download Video:- Paul Okoye (Rudeboy) – Reality - 9jaflaver

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Download Video:- Paul Okoye (Rudeboy) – Reality

Download Video:- Paul Okoye (Rudeboy) – Reality


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  1. Kpakpando says:

    mehn! this song issa banger! nice one …………

  2. Rude boy says:

    Rude boy am enjoying ur music but this reality, i like. But i want u and ur brother to come back as one.

  3. chidi says:

    Mhen d music go wella..but Rudy both of u should come back

  4. John says:

    I still wonder why una never come together,

  5. mprince GLO says:

    All what I pray for u guys, is harmony.. Togetherness.. Please and please make it possible rudeboy and Mr p to come back..

  6. Favour says:

    blood is thicker than water men u guys should makeup I love Dis song but it will be very cool when both sing together United is all we ask brother forgiveness has d best key in like

  7. Anonymous says:

    My man well well, rudeboy u are killing me despite the song is causing problems between me my girlfriend saying I can’t die for her, my man we go meet one day. my name is Ajodo Isaac DJ lock up.

  8. jayeola muhammed says:

    Tarlent guys welldone jare come take me as yur pertnar to rude the world is me mftk

  9. Nonni says:

    #Reality Vs #Ebeano which is a heat?

  10. Anonymous says:

    This song is wow, but you guys are better than one. We guys are your fans and it will be wrong if we don’t tell you the truth. We need (P Square).

  11. Anonymous says:

    what we your fans need is pSquare pls come back as one

  12. Anonymous says:

    Serious rudeboy reality is killing me but one more thing u av 2 get back with mr p please am begging u cause am your real fan

  13. Anonymous says:

    Yes, Rudeboy you blow my mind( blaze on) see coming back to your brother or not does not mean anything.

  14. Anonymous says:

    I really love this song #Reality#.
    Keep it up…. I will love it if you and your come back as one, I really love d songs of P-square.
    Pls come back together as one.

  15. Collins says:

    This song is one in town, it just reminds me of what p square use to be, bro I feel ur pain for the break up, is not ur fault, u always wanted to keep it, without letting the public know about it, but is unfortunate, I wish I can talk sense into Peter

  16. pathias says:

    guys i love your music but they is one thing i need it’s p quare to come back and then for u rudeboy i like your new song reality

  17. Clever says:

    Wow, #reality dis song is amazing, love dis song so much,

  18. Jala says:

    Reality :I salute on this song, but we asking us as your fund please please come as P square

  19. Kelly wise says:

    nice song

  20. Kizozo says:

    I have always known you are so talented. Keep it up bro. I don’t pray anymore to see Psquare again because I have given up. Several albums they did together and now they are showing the industry their individual talents.
    Am not an enemy of progress but this might just be the will of God to further increase their game. Let’s pray for them.

  21. am x2 says:

    rude boy pls u and ur bro 2 come back as 1 I luv u I no fit die 4 u

  22. Anonymous says:

    Bros I love dis ur song is so nice I love it

  23. Holy says:

    De rude on it again
    , well done rude

  24. Anonymous says:

    rudeboy come back with Mr p

  25. thankgod arikpo says:

    u guys should come back as one please

  26. Young bishop says:

    The song is very aweson but one more is that i need,as u see me and my broda.and u people should come as one.okey

  27. Anonymous says:

    My love for this music no be here…………

    …… Can’t wait for you guys to comeback together.. Cause am missing p square already

  28. Martin says:

    I wish I could do music with you

  29. elite boi says:

    I can’t stop listening to this music all day and night

  30. mesper says:

    Love you guys the way you Rock your own songs but its best for you to be together once again….like reality

  31. Anonymous says:

    Nice one bro but hear what ur fans are saying

  32. Anonymous says:

    It is possible to becoming one again. It is more better for you guys. I pray so that is all need from u.

  33. Anonymous says:

    I love you rude boy, I love your music too but I love you and your brother together again please.

  34. bongo says:

    I love this musical piece but I think u guys re better off together en all i can pray 4 is that u guys would 1 tym reunit coz blood is thicker than water, vive rudeboy,I love ur music.

  35. iyeke eddy says:

    I love rude boy song so much

  36. mr,,,,,? Hendrix says:

    I really love dis song reality,,but pliz consider your funz’s interest of u coming together with your broder .coz u and your Broz it’s a very strong bond

  37. Daniel says:

    rude boy I love you the way I love Messi… are my no 1 fan…I wished you can come and take me to live in your house…you are too good…you can sing to my own liking …..the no1 in the whole nija is you

  38. Anonymous says:

    rude boy I love you the way I love Messi… are my no 1 fan…I wished you can come and take me to live in your house…you are too good…you can sing to my own liking …..the no1 in the whole nija is you

  39. Paulus says:

    Move on broe, all ur songs at jc amazing but da big thing is to unite back wth p square collabo

  40. Solid Boy says:

    Wt A Nice Song Z Dat Bt I Pray 4 Ur Togetherness U Were Complementary Bt Keep It Up, It Has A Simple Formulae Do Ur Best N We May Like It

  41. #kizzo# says:

    This music is amazing

  42. Anonymous says:

    Rudeboy actually i like listen to your music particularly reality. But i wish you to be togetherness with Peter again.

  43. DE Boss says:

    I so much love this song especially the video
    keep it up Baba

  44. Cee Jay says:

    Nice song rude keep it up

  45. SAMSOB says:


  46. Belo fameica says:

    dis iz nc en gd rude, nvr gve up mi frnd

  47. Kelvin de wire says:

    I think is time you guys to come together bro face life and live for each other bro forgiveness is from God, if God can forgive you why can’t you both forgive yourself bro?

  48. Medushcky says:

    I am really enjoying you music bro

  49. Handsome says:

    Reality is a Bomb!!
    But I love the p Square… Together, you guys have always being my best artist

  50. Shimmy says:

    Still the one kicking
    I love the whined video Queen

  51. Brutrus casta arobez says:

    I really enjoy this son g all what l need is to psquare

  52. Anonymous says:

    Good music

  53. Anonymous says:


  54. Anonymous says:

    mp3 video

  55. X-BOY says:


  56. Anonymous says:

    Only what I like, is to be back with your brother as one

  57. Anonymous says:

    story of my life

  58. Terry c says:

    Dope but we need psquare

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