Tekno , My Boss pls Drop More For me Abeg , Fuck Haters , Boss , the Nudes Video is Not Better For Under 18 Boss. Thank You God Bless you , Zlatan Abeg No Kill Us , ZANKU
Why are FG shouting and making sly noises… Over Tekno video??? If the FG can help us put an end to porn sites on Nigerian websites that are trending almost every day…. Then they can go ahead and make Tekno a scapegoat… I even dey ega 2 watch da video, tinkin one of their wives or daughter are the ones dancing on da moving van fa. Hypocrites
First to download
Ma gee I hit d point Davido
Nice one
Keep it up Trod
legit song
e make sense
This song so sweet
I love dis song
Nice one Tekno
Tekno my forever best Artist God bless u more
Zlatan Ambassador of Ashluxury I sight u
Tekno , Drop More Am With You , Fvck Haters , But The Nudes Video is Not Better Boss .
Tekno , My Boss pls Drop More For me Abeg , Fuck Haters , Boss , the Nudes Video is Not Better For Under 18 Boss. Thank You God Bless you , Zlatan Abeg No Kill Us , ZANKU
The video is not as bad as FG is making it look like, those ass sha
Why are FG shouting and making sly noises… Over Tekno video??? If the FG can help us put an end to porn sites on Nigerian websites that are trending almost every day…. Then they can go ahead and make Tekno a scapegoat… I even dey ega 2 watch da video, tinkin one of their wives or daughter are the ones dancing on da moving van fa. Hypocrites
Who dy wambah!!!! clear road for my S.M ooo
Dnt mind mumu govt dat doz nt kno dere left nd right
OG I got u blood
Nice sweet song
Bad. One. Dere
My loff 4 dis song eeehn
Can’t leave a day without it
Nice one tekno l like bey song
Nice one tekno i like dey songs Agege
wonderful song brother tekno
god bless you
wonderful song brothet tekno
may god bless with more again
love De jam niiiiii
all dis poster r corret i evn hav de song 4get dem, dey be lyk klllamanja nonsence still bad abi i tell u before oya gbese lese lese kese yah
Tekno fresh boi agege fire the enemies
Zlatan king of music. Any song dy future u, u dey blast dy song
Nice ma gees
Nice song
Tekno my best in africa
My vst in africa, Ilike my broder pls take me to ur way
D song is nice wishing as reguire 2 blow like u guys do just one day
Bam ,I luv it
nice one slimddy
nice jam tekno,zlatan keep it up
nice song
My name is ( M Bashh !!! ) Hausa Boy
Nice one TECNO kaine kacinyesu Kafisu kafi makiyanka yong Guy you my hero allah ya taimakeka…… Ameen
nice one my people i love it
cool one tekno luv it nd luv u, zlantan u just the blow my mind.