The Silent Intruder, a Nollywood psychological thriller, weaves a story of obsession and manipulation. It centers on Dr. Zaki, a sex therapist with a dark secret, and his new client, Ada, seeking to mend her fractured marriage. As Zaki delves into Ada’s life, the lines between therapist and patient blur dangerously.
Standing Out Performances
Thrills and Chills (or Lack Thereof)
The film boasts a suspenseful premise, but the execution is not without flaws.
A Nollywood Take on a Familiar Theme
The Silent Intruder tackles a theme explored in many thrillers: the violation of trust by a person in a position of power. However, seeing this dynamic play out within the context of a Nollywood production adds a fresh perspective. The film provides a glimpse into the challenges faced by a young, affluent Nigerian couple seeking therapy.
The Silent Intruder is a decent thriller with a strong lead performance by Pere Egbi. While the use of jump scares feels excessive, the film offers an intriguing premise and a unique Nollywood perspective. If you’re looking for a suspenseful watch with a touch of the exotic, this might be worth checking out, but keep your expectations in check.
Recommendation: Watch it