to Igbo traditional gatherings to learn more about my tradition. As time goes on, we are going to remove some things that are not working well in these traditions. In India and China, they follow their ancestral religions and things are working perfectly for them.
What are things that should be removed from traditional religion to make it right?
In so many villages today, they have polluted the rivers due to their sacrifices to ‘maami water’ and other gods. They leave those sacrifices in the rivers and the items get spoiled and start smelling. All in the name of giving to gods, they are just messing up our environment. These are some of the things to make right. If they want to sacrifice, they can do it at the side of their house and in the evening, gather the items and burn them, instead of polluting the air and the environment. Secondly, there are some marks given to people when they are sick. All of these do not work. Sick people should go to the hospital.
Do you think it is possible to change these beliefs that have shaped the traditions for ages?
It is possible. There is nothing impossible for man to do. If we are determined to change it, we will. The children we are giving birth to today are leaders of tomorrow. The right knowledge should be imparted to them. Let them know the right and the wrong. Don’t bring religion to them. When you have children today, you force religion on them and do not allow them to make their own decisions. Children are being forced into what they don’t understand.
What steps are you taking to ensure the change?
I am trying my best. I have started it in my house, in my workplace, and in my neighbourhood. Anywhere I go, I let them know that man is god and we are gods to our fellow men. The reason why we are still suffering is because we embrace religion and lack humanity. I will not force my belief on people but I will tell them where I stand.
From your experience, are there any similarities between Christianity and humanity?
There are no similarities at all. Humanity is based on reality, but spirituality and Christianity are based on illusions and stories that we are not sure of.
Source:- Punchng
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