Many guys look like the ‘perfect’ husband material till you date them and you realise it isn’t what it is.
For a girl who wants to get married soon, if you meet any of these kind of guys, it’s better not to waste your time with them. It doesn’t mean they are bad people, just that their compatibility level with you will be zero in the end.
Inspired by Your Tango, here are the kind of guys you shouldn’t consider for marriage:
1. The Shady one: Everything about him is suspicious. And since trust is required, it’s never start anything with this guy. Just walk away.
2. The one who compares you to his exes:Usually when people move on, they really move on. This guy isn’t over his ex-girlfriend and will keep making you feel inadequate because there’s a large part of him that still wants her. If you know deep inside you that he would always choose her over you, it’s better to take a long walk.
3. The one who buys you unnecessary gifts:It doesn’t mean if your boyfriend gets stuffs for you then he’s shady. In this instance, his gifts are always a cover up for something, either he’s asking for forgiveness after messing around or the gifts are a replacement for being with you. It’s easy to get carried away but don’t be fooled.
4. The serial monogamist:This guy jumps from one relationship to another like he’s changing clothes. Commitment is only temporary for him and it looks like he’ll never end up you because he doesn’t know it’s like to be in a long-term relationship.
5. The alcoholic:he’s not a ‘social drinker’ though he swears to be one but doesn’t know when to stop the bottles from becoming numerous. He becomes aggressive and nasty when he’s had too much to drink and will turn on you. This kind of guy should be avoided like a plague.
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