Paul Okoye drops another single, titled “Reason with me”
Download, and enjoy!!
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i luv d song bro ,all d ladies out there
nice song
nice music
nice jam…. is on repeat
Is Good to season bro
kip it up 9ice1
Jah bless yur hustle keep it up
keep it up
Nice music boss,, God bless you more my brother one love to you more music to sing my brother,, and may bless your music industry more my brother….
Nice music boss,, God bless you more my brother one love to you more music to sing my brother,, and may bless your music industry more my brother….
Good song with a sweet line
I always love rudeboy song cus any of his song is always a banger
Voice of a nation.i love u boss
Wow this song is mad
coolest bosss
Nice one
It was awesome.
I really Love it.
Keep it up
Nice one, keep it up
King Rudy ,you are more than 2much,when ever I listing to your songs I feel happy,
May God give you long life
Wow Nice Song I love it
Charles b
Nice jam keep it up jah had ur back boss #Rude more jam ahead
Nice one bro
nice one,rudeboy
Nice one just download
Nice 1 boss
Nice 1 boss
RudeBoy I love you
Keep it up z good for girls to reason with us.
I love you RudeBoy
Nice song bro
Nice song you’ve said it all.but yet them ma ladies won’t reason
nice hit
Go and settle wit ur brother paul, u re incomplete bro
Gee reason with ur brother
Ur song go still dey blow but mistakes go still full
I feel you boss, you de read our pain
Very Rogged one gee
rudeboy is always great .his music is killing me, have been his fan 4 yrs am really learning 4rm him.this video is a lesson we all should learn from it. look at rudeboy dressing like a poor man makes me laugh.
Nice song
Nice one boss
Nice one rudeboy, let girls reason with us
Bros de music carry message.
Na Niger girls must get it hot this time.
I believe you bro till tomorrow,
More songs for ur industry
Nice one
Lee living
Wow wow wow good lesson they reason today
nice one bro keep it up sir
icon living
good song boss it will teach those ladies a lesson
Rudeboy is always good when it comes to music…love it this one
Its perfectly fine boss like for real.
nice music, how wish life could be lyk dis it could av be sweet.
You too much I love your songs forever
I really love e this song…I will never ever leave my man because of his financial crisis…I promise to love u always saviour…I love u my man
Nice jam bros ,frm Zambia
wow nice one
nice one, i lke yo music,
Great music
Awesome bro…..keep moving ,God is ur strength
Nice hit bro more to come from u
Paul okoye a.k.a rudeboy 9ice song
Yes, tell them to reason wit us. Bro
dem go here am
Nice song
Bros mi u too much, may jah clear all ur enemies
Another nice on
e l luv it.
Good one
the hit maker
I love you Rudeboy u do all
Wow! Man you hit it well a bro
I love this music so much,o Rudeboy more grace love you….. God bless
@officialrudeboy, I still want you to reason with me and make peace with mr P. my father always say it it easy to brk a single broom, but impossible to brk a bunch of broom.
good one I like this
Wow Mr rude thanks so much for dis song is like u just knew dat wot was happenin to me but just because of dis I cool myself down because of u I’m back with my boo so happy for dat thanks so much bro
Thanks so much for dis song Mr rude God bless u
Nice Music, na so who nor get today go get 2mrw
9ice one
Nice one.a good friend is better than a bad brother.keep going big brother god bless you……..a..m .e…n.
Nice mix boss
Keep it up
I am. King Wizer lame a musician and I have been writing so many tracks but I want to blow but what should I do reply my friends and I sing like king Rudy please friends help me out and I don’t want to be like you
Nice song
i love everything about you….keep it up…
i love everything about you..keep it up
I love this song keep it up Rude
povarty die
this song is a lession to us women. nice song
What an encouraging song ever, it matches the life am living right now. No black and white, there must sure been an award for this song.
Keep it up ur voice no dey jah bless
keep it up bro
I love Nigeria songs
nice hit bros
ur song de high Jack person
Nice one quality music
Nice jam my man, u gat our back. Girls reason with ur boyfriend o
Nice jam my man, u gat o back. Girls reason with ur boyfriend o
Rudeboy baba you too much go on your jam make sens who no like am no sabi beta thing na you be mean man on point…….
nine star music (bam)
Is reality ooo
like this song
Am just downloading the music
I belive in rude boy he will never fall my hand
U are awoesome rude boy
I like this music
nice one bro
#Nice one Rude
we like it …. rudeboy
Keep it up King Ruddy
Nice one Bruhn, keep up
Lord of music GOD bless ur talent kingRuddy. But warri boys go say notin like brother 4 Dis life , bros make una try reason with una self, abeg una with d name of GOD.
That was a firing song
Bros I know you don’t have outfits like that who give you that clothes you wearing?
this song is mwaa
Rudeboy…. Is a banger,, dat’z flashy i luv…. Dis track is a hit,,,
keep it up Bro …. One luv….
thanks soo much for dropping this song, it really inspired me
Ooo nice song
I love his voice. I always get entertained
For real
Thanks for the tune my no 1 in African
nice one
Most high
Jọwọ lọ ki o ṣe alafia pẹlu arakunrin rẹ … Ọgbẹni rudeboy
I reason with you bro
Yes cause God dey.
The best of all
unique man
I really love dis music,
this music really is a live time lesson to be learned by most Girls of our Days
King rudy ride on,i love this hit it’s God bless you bro
Unlimited bro..
It OK ahead ahead oo
Nice song bro but you’re incomplete without your brother
Remember the question God asked Kane, (Kane where is Abel) your brother
Rudeboy where is your brother Mr. P
Remember the spirit of brotherhood
nice picture
I so much love this song
double twale to u Rude Boy Baba
wow,always great
you are telling what we are living in this world thank so much to this mew music
Wow i so much love it keep it up Mr rude God bless u
Wow i so much love it keep it up Mr rude God bless u
Nice one.
aw! its a hit rubboy I love it n I love u

This song portrays the life of a hustler,been rudeboy.Let our ladies help us out,not only eating the one we hustle get,encourage us ladies please
I luv d song joor u try Oga
The song Enter die…….up up Rudeboy….
Nice song my king Rudy
I believe if I no get today I go getam tomorrow
You just spoke my mind in this song,more grace
Boss if I no like you and your song wetin i
nice song
Your song also come to you, can’t you see,Go and reason with your brother
Yeah I support you I love the teo of them together
ur always a hero and so shall it b until the world passes by
Chaii Rudeboy too much ooo make Nigerian music industry give him award this year pls ooo bcoz the guy too much
I love you and your song
If I know love this song wenti I gain great motivation song Bossman abeg I gat do cover for this song abeg the jam to hot
king Rudy you really hit the spot nice song good hit I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This song is very good and depicting real life issues. Women should never judge a man based on his current status because things must surely change and regrets would be the end.
Awsome rude boy
Nice lines,nice song ,wonderful message but bro u guys need to come together Mr p has proven himself beyond reasonable doubt .u guys need to come back we need psquare not Mr p or rudeboy but psquare.
nice one bro that was awsome u really read people mind b4 droping this, u are good for real.
NYC song from great artist
big tune big up
My boss of life ruuude God bless ur hustle boss keep given us the hits voice of psquare
rude boy ur too much, may God add u more talent..
Rude boy u too much,may God add u more talent..
Keep it up bro
nice song its a very big lesson to some of us ladies out here.ladies learn to have patience with ur man
nice song keep it up its a very big lesson to some of us ladies out here.ladies learn to have patience with your man
Nice music brother….. baba God dey your back
Nice music brother….
Baba God,dey your back……
I love this so much I mean that is life for you just like as I giving my friend that was my senior for secondary School work today he said such is life
Very big lessons to dem all our ladies
nice music you produce ba rude man!!
this song is so interesting
Though, I’ve not heard the track full version,I just heard little of it on a brother’s status so I’m yet to download it because I know what you can do.
King Rudy always drop the best, so emotional and honest ,I love this song
Must so preciuse music with meaning you to pacient your love one god time is the best
Whaooo,,,this music is gbawu really got so much love
U were sepas
U were sepas?
U’re a hit in the music industry keep pushing.
Yeah now ur bringing the real voice of p square out much love bro
You’re destined for greatness young man. my children are highly inspired by you and your music. God richly bless you.
My role model I duff cap for you
Rudy u ar so inteligent
some people is thinking that rudy sing a music toward his baby
not lik dat the music z refering to his brother he had left him b/c they don lost so many things
is better to mr p to comeback blood z thick than water twins
i love the song somuch more
Nice bum boss
Rudeboy u re such a good singer en song writter, keep it up my dear who so ever dat says he or she does not like ur style should go to hell bcos whether with or with out him u re a star en we love u.
well done
I really love the song
I love the music all that guitters is not gold
Nice track bro
My Mentor, My Role Model, and My Admierer, KING RUDE BOY, always on point i love this music fire down and always push tight I LOVE U.
BLAST: This one is really a word dropping track, carry on don’t look back nothing is behind but hope ahead. More Grace.
Nice one bro
The first day I hear this song I fall in love with the song cos there a lot to learn from it
Nice song I pray that God will give u more wisdom more blessings in Jesus Christ name I pray
I like it
This s a nice song,its cool my mind
very nice song
this is a nice song it’s cooling my mind
Nice one.It is trending
baba you are always the best
bro this jam too dope
Senior follow all your songs but your need to come back together
This song reason with me is the best in 2019, since January till May, this song have meaning, and its so interesting
Rude boy I love it
Nice song keep it up I really love it
wow, that was soo good
I love that ,
keep it up and God will bless u more and more again in Jesus name Amen!!!
this song has d biggers thought
4 me this d best of d year
keep it up ‘Rude Boy’
Nice music… You too much rudeboy
omo dis particular track reason with me made me fulfilled cos its a true live story sir rude to everylady
I love d song and will love it continually….d song is my source of joy ::Rude boy, keep popping!!
Rude boy. Keep it up we gat ur back
Reign j. Rude boy my brother from another mother, I have never expected less from you even when you were p square, more is better songs are still coming. And I will be with you soon up there.
wow nice one wish prosperity in life
So lovely boss
Girls should always reason with us guys
Seriously love this song.
Mr rude u tried, d lyrics is superb but try and fix ur music and make it sweeter. None of ur songs is up to psquare standard yet u promise to keep up to d standard. Only ur lyrics i enjoy nothing else. Though i won’t stop loving u and be ur fan.
Nice one Mr rudeboy
Such a fantastic song. Rudeboy is just singing through mylife. I went through this bad experience in life and am listening to this song while in tears
I like to post my music to 9jaflaver but I have no sponsor/money
I love the song most I always think about it when ever I play it
That song ‘reason with me’ is wow
thought provoking, not just for the girls but for all who dont believe in a beta 2mao….good song man
I love dis song lyk mad…..I always listen to d song all d time….I love u#RUDE BOY SALUTE TO U MY BIGGEST STAR….1 LOVE
i love de song, i always luv ur song keep it up, rudeboy…. i luv it
I Love you Rude Boy because of this song you always sing reasonable songs, songs of life history
Just know you are been loved by me Rude Boy because of this song you always sing reasonable songs, songs of life history ,Thanks.
Its not only song ov da year
but attaching.. #reason with mi
It’s title is enough…so wow!!!
Nyc song he never disappoints
nice music, inspiring, one lov boss
100% Talent, big song with great meaning.
love it.keep it #Rude Boy.
I love this video so much
keep it up rude boy
Nice one
boss this song is a real motivational song boss
This song dey fine sharp sharp
Wooow I never know about this song”
Till my mom phone rang” was surprised to see ma old Mama having INTEREST.
She said the music is a message
Nice one bro
Nice song bro.
Nice one bro.
Good song frm d hit maker….but why finding it difficult 2 reason with ur broda? guy try reason with mr p it’s important!!!
nice one boss
9ice 1 guy keep it up
nice shot, I use to love you (one love p
Paul Okoye…always on point anytime…Stilla big fan of PSquare tho’…u guys rock!
Paul Okoye is always on point anytime…still a fan of Psquare tho’. We women should support a good man to become a great man,really
Yes it’s good music from rudeboy
I love it
rudeboy carry go good jam we want more is month
rudeboy carry go nice jam we want more is month
U always have d latest of it manny
This video is killing me
This song killy dem sha he made it
Nice one bro i learn something from it. God bless your ministry
Mr rudy i seriouslly love the song,the one i like most is when u are with your brother.
I like seeing u with your but only God know how i feel about it!!
Its a banga 2 all those heart robbers. That’s real, if u need 2 define reality.
To the girls out there running after guys with benz neglecting the poor ones
This is a lesson to you
Because no one knows tomorrow
master tell them ,b/c my own no wan ear ooo
best of rudboy
Wow keep it up
I lv yu guy
Good music keep
it on
Nice music!
I love it
Nice one keep on that mr
Nice one keep on that Mr
good lyrics , u ar d psqaure all dis years
Rudeboy you song pass Mr p no get level
Nyc 1 Bruh
Nice one bro…
My next track u will future me
but no matter anything owu no good so you know go blame some girls in fact is a nice music from rude boy
RudeBoy you are good without any reasonable dout, but as you have already said, “Reason With Me”.
I wish you could also do the same with your brother Mr.P so that guys could come back as the one family and the one Square we used to know please.
I know its a family affair but please no matter what just reason it over.
You guys are good but much more better together.
Long live RudeBOY
long live Mr.p
and long live the Square the great sons of okoye.
We love you.
i love ur song they ar beautiful nd sweet i wish u can fucture me
Love It
Is good music.
#Rudeboy :You got me crushing
If I no get today
I go get am tomorrow!
please reason with me!!!
Nice song may the Lord be with all songs th
Nice song bro and may the Lord be with all songs that u will singing God blessed u am from Zambia Austen Ngoma
Nice song bro may the Lord be with u all songs that u will singing God blessed u and all your songs
the song is so nice , I luv it
big up bruh, we miss music
bro I luv your songs and am one of your biggest fans n am an upcoming artists I do sing I pray that GOD all mighty will guide you in a prosperous way amen
Nice banger Rudeboy
When ye ‘re good ye ‘re good…
Paul Okoye ye the best my guy
When ye ‘re good ye ‘re good, can’t lie ye the best Okoye P
I love this song so much. We ladies need to learn to be patient.
nice one
Rudy baba
Nice one
Well sir I love this song because it’s inspirational to we girls and to the guys at large because no one knows tomorrow.
Super dupa in love with this song
cool hit.
Keep it up bro.
Nice song bro, keep it up, u read our pain ,love you the more…
Hmm, am so in love with this song, I love all your songs, you try both with the drama, infact your voice is driving me crazy, you are my favorite musician
I love
You such a legend,nice music …
I so much love this music,it really have good moral’s .
Bro that is the true of the matte, we no go kill awere slef bro thanks for this magger
Luv it, amazing
good music
Abeg my boss tell them, ladies no dey agree
Smart lyrics
Infact am speechles whenever i listen to this song. It has passed the message of what life really is(it is surely not static but dynamic), as the title says “REASON WITH ME”, if you both could keep your differences aside and come back as PSQUARE, it would be much better, so you Guys should use the Title of this song and Reason together. Bikko.
I love this song my brother keep it up
I love this song
what a song mean nd a good meaning
Bro talk your mind, is not easy for me too. But I hope to get tomorrow, keep up
No condition is permanent
Lord of songs i luv i dis song vy mach….
Nice bro
This music is awesome
í luv d ѕσng
Very good
Mr r u are good ples help me in my music
you are the best
This song gave me goose bumps because it’s my true life story but in a reversed form. Well done Rude boy.
This song gave me goose bumps. It’s my true life story but in a reversed form. Well done Rude boy. Much love
Like seriously this song really thought me many tinz about girls of nowadays, well all I have to say is that God should brings peace btwn the both of you Guy’s I really love the song d first day i listing to it bless you Rudeboy
I love this song. you r the best
this song make sense too much keep on sir we need more
I love this song


Gerald you are right I wish they could come together.
Das my wish as well
you try a lot bro
De muzic make zingz i like it
nice one bro
Nice one boss
I love these song so much.
nice song rude boy
Good one but somebody is missing in ur song, try and reason with ur brother peter
I so love this song ooo
Great one boss
Keep it up.
Rodboy u too mush for this song,u reason am wel more grace 4rm ja to u, because my babe no the gree reason with me
I like the song, it’s very touchable
Rudeboy, this song has taught me a lot of things,(keep it up) Thanks.
I so much love this song, it makes me feel motivated and encouraged to achieve my goals.
them no they understand wot we are passing through just to make them happy.SENIOR THANK U
This song is a heat.
I song bam, it really touch me.
U too gud bro
Bad jam
This track is best track so far
I swear this song inspired me so much .
The song boasted my spirit that if i no get today i go get am tomorrow ..nice one bro. Miky luv de hit
This is the best
With God hope you’ll sing more sweeter then this song
Good one bro kp it up, bt remember two heads are better than one…
Nice one brother, but try to sector with him. I am regretting for lossing my twins sister
The best always come from the worst
Exactly this happened to me man nice song it’s a hit
I love it.. keep moving!
nice song my brother
Wow….I love d song jor….keee it up dear
Nice song
the song is made of killin
Splendid hit
life story of most men out there, u have some educative instructions to our ladies here, you nailed it. it will be an el-classico.
KingRudy…….What a Crackerjacks lyrics…… U are simple the best in the world after 2Baba…. Ur best track ever
Nice one,my wisdom to u and energy as well rude boy
Nice one, wisdom to u and energy as well rude boy
Nice song keep the showing rolling.
your are alwayz on top
WOw nice video I love it
I luv the song
My best track of the year it’s an awesome track…
My special track ever …..!!!!
Indeed rude boy is on board……….!
I love the song my Darling waiting for latest ooh
nice hit rudeboy.dope
nice hit,aawwweesome
Always good
I wish sukura could reason with me
Nice song, ride on
rudeboy remains one of my best artist
Nice song bro but please try and reason with your brother my mom always tell me two hand is batter than one.. Aka Austin bieber.
9ice 1 rudeboy
wow I love this song
D song dae Enter brain RudeBoi Reason with me Biko
This is an amazing for all and sundry keep it up bro,you killed it
pls u should also reason with you brother it will
be cool.
The song na reality
He really kul down compose this song
its very nice
Wow! it’s a nice song
Sweet music with good sound track movement rude boy
Spectacular work mr Okoye Paul.This is the best sound track you have released so far, this year 2019.
Spectacular work mr Okoye Paul aka Rude boy.This is the best sound track you have released so far this year 2019.It’s a very incouraging song.
Nice song i love it
Wow,the music is so enjoyable
Motivation.. may girls have change just because of this song and so much in love with it also.. just waiting for you n your brother drop P-square
You have been a great success keep moving
Soooo trueeee, love it!
Rudeboy u really try but just only u am reason with u I don’t know what is going on with PSQUARE please just try your best to reason with PSQUARE, this song u really try but am giving you for 80 persentage because know gud backup, if MR p is with you d song will be more interesting than this. Thanks
I apriciate the song brother and i love it
Boss u are 5 much,,,in short u are 10 much. Seriously i love ur song..reason with me.
I so much love this song
U are my best forever… Luv u
You too much baba
Everywhere good na, love the Jam bro
Love it bro
Nice jam bro..more grace
Good song by rude boy
God bless u more bro
ilove the song
I swear rudeboy you de best man…nice one
I have not heard good music like this in a long time.. I actually has real words and complete meaningful sentences.. The song is a bomb.. This is music
I have not heard good music like this in a long time.. It actually has real words and complete meaningful sentences.. The song is a bomb.. This is music
boss I hail o u b baba o
Oli wamanyi Good Song papa
good song
Better days are coming####
i love your song?
nice 1 bro
best song ever
I love this music die, this happen to me
Awesome stuff R.B
Wow the song is mind blowing and send one crazy
Kudos bro… Keep the fire burning
don’t mind her, if she didn’t stay with you when you were hustling then let her good
Bro this song na die
Best music.touches my soul
it’s really a nice song and touching . thank you buddy a liked it
its such a nice song and I’ve liked it . big up buddy
Nice song bro
More grace to your elbow
wow i this song bcox its a lesson to those who are behaving like d lady in song
if I no get today
I go get am tomorrow.
Nice song bro
great and fantastic song
great and fantastic song
Too inspiring
i love it thank you bro may God bless you and your family.
don’t give up
story of real life
Thank u
Oooh the bit ever thanks Petter love from tanzania
you 2 much big brother may God continue to bless u wit more talent u 2 much
My love for rude boy is massive…o always enjoy his songs…keep it up P.
My love for rude boy is massive…i always enjoy his songs…keep it up P.
Good one Sir.
Visit for more updates
nice track bro
i love it
nice hit p
It makes makes my with me
No loving no care no tender
Pls reason with ur brother please
I swear I love this song
nice song good job well done rudeboy
It’s really kul but all ladies aint like dat u know
The song is nice and passionate so lovely
awesome rude boy
Wat an inspiration song #dope
I love this music so much,at least girls will equally get to their senses.
Good one
Good one bro
i dont no y , u always bring happiness and joy in my life with ur songs , love u die
Thus song is dedicated to the girls around I love this song
U r de best
Nice one bro, women this days don’t want to understand at all for the women just forget tomorrow that there is God
such lyrics
nyc one ruddy
That is nice son.i lv it so much. lady’s thing with reason.
That is nice son.i lv it so much. lady’s thing with reason.
I pray it would touch my girl’s heart
Nice song Bro, Big up
wow excellent, I love it
It a meaningful song a song that makes one endures
Gee! This jam goes well oh,but i go try reason with that girl wey dey chase me
ur realy missing
Bro you too much I like this song
Bro you too much this song is so sweet
i so much love is music
you are the Psquare i know
extraordinary song!!
Rude boy u gat ds
I always get motivated whenever I listen to the song, you’ve really made a good hit and may God give our ladies listening ears and pls we need one name from you guys which is Psquare and not separate name anymore cos God says 2 heads are better than 1. Looking forward to seeing you guys together again. One love brother
Wonderful song
Rudeboy I love u bro nice song
Nice song iluv bro big up
No you have don it bro
Its a hit
nice mixed
Nice one bro, but u guys should try reason with ur selfs one love
this girl reason withan na
Nice song bro
nice one, keep it on!
Your are so cool your song worth 10000909000099)999)0090090000009099 trillion dollars give me
my name is tea flesh I also sing hip hop love it
nice jam
Keep it up
This is very nice
I love it so much.
Nice jam I love this song
Good and nice song Rudy boy.
Good song
Very lovely song
bro this ur music they burst my brain wohhhjj.
I love it wow!!!
sweet music bros
i love d song
This song is so hot, please may you get back together with your twin brother…
This song is awesome I can not sleep without listening to this jam …. .more inspiration boss … Ladies you need to learn alot from this song so that I can amend your little Little mistake that you don’t care about .
If I know get today
I go get am tomorrow
My babe hear this she came back to apologise .
nice one
That’s what ladies do
u r real inspiring n motivating I wish gal z had sensible mindz dey would nt hurt dea men at difficult times plz keep it n plz reconcile wiz ur bro n b p2
I love ur mucic
nice song boss
I love this music
I love u rudeboy love to see u face to face
Great point my dear all the best …
Big bro beautiful track there, but never stop loving your twin blood no matter the misunderstanding….for the sake of more blessing from God our creator. thanks and God bless you the more!!! one love
beautiful track there my nigga, but pls keep loving and praying for your brother pls, so as to gain more blessings from God our creator… one love!!!
Nc song Rude boy……..
Best of the rest nice shot bro
nice song keep it on bro
Boss de song is trending here Eii every corner if I don’t get am today ago get am moro power
Person wea sing chop my money 2012 na e dae sing reason with me 2019
Abi your money don finish
i love it is awesome
Nic one 100%
mind blowing soft & tender soul song. Thanks for this piece brotherly… More strength sir but wish you & Mr.P can hookup back. Una for both murder this song together o…
Yes good music
I wish to be like u
Addicted to this
I love this song so much anytime I feel so down I will play it again and again..
Nice hit From you bro May God continue to Bless you
Its a hit bro keep it up. Like it. Excellent thinking.
This song is a very good lesson for girls who run away from boys who ard very poor just bcos of money. Rudeboy says “if i no get today, i go get am tomorrow”. So marry a man for love nd not for money. Rudeboy’s girlfriend the song was regretted her foolish actions when she saw the rudeboy who was poor before now rich. The worst part was when she visited rudeboy, she his wife who was now pregnant. Then, she cried for making that big mistake.
Nice song I love it
Rude boy weldone i lv ur music an dis music is a lesson to all gals dat are selfish despite de fact dat am a gal bt i dnt support xum of dis gals behaviour becus xum of dem their mentallity is low xo keep it on my guy God loves u!
i like this music
Rude boy songs are always admirable
I love the hit bro
Nice one
But so sad there’s no Psquare again
God Bless rude Boy. Because He’s The Best Musician I Have Ever See.
Rude boy…. great song… lyrics good… not the rubbish we hear from wizkid and the rest
Nice hit. sure thing will promote
Nice experience song soo inspiring
Best song ever
This song is da bomb
If our girls will have a rethink by the lyrical lines of this song
Nice song
Nice song keep it up
The song bam bro more money bro
Nice One Weldon
I love the music
Wow… It’s very melodious
The Boss an the Boss, Nice one
Slowly falling inlove with reason with me you got e taste
King Rudy on top
King Rudy on top
this song it’s always remind me the situation I had some time back
This is too hot I really love this song.
This song over sweet oooo i like this song keep it on
Na wa 4 this naija ooo
U must Chop my money in 2012
Reason with me, if I no get 2day I go.get am 2morow in 2019
Buhari why
Nice song bros and also a lesson to all the ladies out there , dont leave ur boyfriend bcus of poverty u mey de 1 to change his life story ,tanx
9c song 4sure
bt also u need to re union with ur bro. as be4
Like seriously King Rudy really try for dis one oo
song of the yr
top one
I like this song
this song dey bee k3k3
in fact I love it
nice is lesson to every women who let money to enter the hard
Nice song Mr Rude Boy continue!!!!
i love your songs mr rudeboy
Nice song brother
relax big man things Will better soon by Gods power
God bless for his one bro
luv de song bro
I love the song and I believe its a heat,keep up the fire burning, thumbs up
the song is a hit……. the guy is dangerous
I love this song keep it up
fyn guy hw far
Nice song i like it reason with me….
Fine boy
Nice song guy
Narrow escape pt 2
Nice one, is for those girls who love one just because of money
nice one rude boy. first time i am commenting. I av always love u guys from day one(senorita). never keep up on ur twin brother cus family comes first. God bless u
real hot
i like it
kip da fire burning
So sweet, Mr rude boy. A lesson to all no one knows about tomorrow.
rude boy i love your song” reason with me”.
no one knows about tomorrow
I love dis song & 4 me is a best song of the season you soo much you was born too meark it yes you did it love you.rude boy
u ar da best
Very dope, inspirational song it is.
Keep up the good work Sir.
Hyy love this song ….. amazing
Rudeboy,u sang beautifully like a person who know what life is all about,but why u funblering to put together with your bro.
You carry over the gimes p master
Nice music
Good song with good massage
Yaa man yaa man bro, very 9ice hits, thxs 4 ur hardwork.
its me TWON.COO OPIO W’ Akomo.
Nice song
I love dis song with all passion u try bros
l like Sweet music
From first single tittled firefire, u proved to be hot, now u are hitting in our minds your reason with me, lots of love rude boy
good for this song
unstoppable and super
good song m papa
Nice1 carry go
Nice song, this guy is better than mr p
Nice song iam enjoying listening to it.
Nice song iam enjoying listening to it
I am going through the same issues but patient is better and alot of prayers no easy
It was Wow
Money iz nw reason 4 love both 2 male nd female…..
Iike u Rudeboy,am oneof yr most fun.
I learnt so many things from this song,,am loving it every day.
og bro
Reason with me
This the best video ever, i like the music,very reasonable indeed and meaningful!
this is my best video for now, rudeboy keep it up.
Big up to you Rudeboy. Your words always encourage me. Keep your hope alive and never lose your faith in jah, you fi know se in jah we trust and a little drop of water makes a mighty occean.
I love this song…keep it up big bros
i can relate to that.. much appreciate
This guy deserves an award for this music, the really pinned it down here, right on point.
My rude z like ma God,u no wat you ar doing rude may ja bless you I love it
Pls I to promote my music
It’s amaizing
Nice song bro I love it
good song
so good bro….it speaks to the lady’s out there
rude boy u too much
Indeed, the journey of a men is not determined by how much he has but how ambitious he is,
nice song
great music bro rudeboy
great music bro rudeboy
Serious lyrics ,serious statements,powerful vocals with beautiful delivery and super attitude,soft and hot hot hot hmmmm dope super dope .my best song now. Rude buai ruded me off .Mr sweet seen
If I no get today I will get it tomorrow u do all
U are superstar
don’t do that again OK!!! and I like your music
don’t do that again OK!!! and I like your music.
I really love your songs ; i hope is to sing like you some day.
I really love your songs; i hope to sing like you some day
nice song with great meaning.keep it up!
Josphine Mulenga
nice song with great meaning, keep it up!
Nice music and loving one
I love all your songs and may God bless you and make all your wishes come true and do music at the same time,
I feel all you say but together you can make it better
you’re the best Rudeboy a like your music, am your real fan in Zambia

nice pic because it shows true African life
Hmmm nice work
wow My love you to much i love you ooooooooo
Excellent music keep it up my boss
Your song make sense ( keep it on bro
Your song make sense ( keep it on bro
lovelyr song bro
lovely song keep it up
Lovely song
Extremely wonderful with aclear mssge and meaning
Paul your music makes smile dude
As in the song touched was so lovely
nice hits once again brother
Wow ,some people can think and sing about it…
I have no exceptional words to thank such brilliance. But to say you some how define what Western African rythym is and differentiate it from the rest.
Boy you are rude indeed…..keep it up..
Lusaka representing…
Nice job ever
so sweet boss fire down
He is talented and my favourite musician since day une
Been on ur hits Paul but this new track is cracking in me so tight…It’s burning
Ur real fun
Eddy Malawi
its a hot one
Nice song
Nice track
Rudeboy i wish u nice song keep it up wooooo never give up thanks 4 de massege that u diliver
So amaizing song
I like this song keep it rudeboy
your track really learn me allot about not giving up .. No matter far it is one day we will make it……..just as not glitters are gold.
Your track really teach on how not to give up…..because no matter how long it takes…one day something new will happen……..i love this track….more elbow to u.
My story too a girl I wanted to marry left me for another man due to lack of moneynow am blessed
the song is good
wat I no is vice versa
i like t much
I love your songs
i Love dis song so so much
this song it’s talks about. my life
Wow u r super awesome keep it up
Is boring
Wow, just wow I was crying and laughing at the same time but please reason with Mr p also. Song on auto repeat much love.
inspiring and encouraging
this song makes my heart ad my mind storng
i like your song
Am toch by this song Mr p more love pls
I really like this song
Rev Emmanuel, good song this is call a song
I love this music
What a painful video
herrr ma bro this song de3 u spoil there
waw I love ur song n love u tooo ♥️♥️♥️ keep it up
Good Song Broo
I love you rudeboy
I really really love this song…it just shows that in life we should have patience as well as faith…thank god for what you have,appreciate the man u have even though he is not rich my sisters
direct from Zambia we feel you bro continue
Yho Paul bro amazing especially to us as people ( ladies and brothers) if the person is not working that does not mean is the end of world.dont love a men or girl because he/she has money. Money is not everything u can have money but not have what is the use of that can’t bye love.thanx Paul love you and your brother Peter
this is my jam .It’s good for that bitch
Good One, Na sooo
It really nyc
this picture is liable to the lyrics of the music’ if i no get today I go get am tomorrow
The best song for ever
I really like this bang
I really love this song
this music give me inspiration, rud boy contiue d gud work
nice musc and god bless for you
I really love this song
Nice one…
Ua song gv m reason to do better*Exactly never gv up even through ua a poor
Rude boy you do it all
U r the best rude I love u so much

What is it not to love about this song
Kudos bro, this one hot
king rude one time the rightious knows the conculusion
He never for once dissappoint me from day one……he is my role model jah already bless you….bless you more
analogal style
Fantastic and supurb
Reality music
Nyc song mr rudy boy
Keep it mr rude boy
This is the most wonderful song of my life. It give me more courage to work very hard so that my ex-wife see how God can change my life.
It’s agreat lesson to all girls who are after money but not love
Hmmmm…. I love this song so much
my best bro