A 26-year-old man, identified as AK, has been left reeling after discovering that his newlywed wife, Adinda Kanza, is, in fact, a man.
The revelation came twelve days after their wedding ceremony, plunging AK into a state of shock and disbelief.
The saga began when AK first encountered Adinda Kanza, also 26, on Instagram back in 2023.
After chatting online for a while, AK and Adinda proceeded to date for a year before deciding to get married.
Despite meeting in person, Adinda’s continuous wearing of a traditional Muslim niqab, covering her entire face, led AK to believe in her devout commitment to Islam.
Opting for a modest ceremony held at AK’s residence, the couple exchanged vows, with Adinda disclosing that she was estranged from her family.
However, suspicions began to arise in AK’s mind shortly after their wedding as Adinda repeatedly refused his advances, citing menstruation or illness as reasons for avoiding intimacy.
Moreover, she steadfastly refused to interact with AK’s family and continued wearing her niqab even at home.
It was not until AK took it upon himself to investigate Adinda’s past that the shocking truth came to light.
Tracking down her purported former address, AK was shocked to find Adinda’s parents alive and well, who promptly shattered the illusion by revealing that their child was, in fact, a man named ESH who had been crossdressing since 2020.
The police, upon investigation, revealed that despite being biologically male, Adinda convincingly behaved like a woman and possessed a female-sounding voice.
“If you look at their wedding photos, Adinda looks exactly like a real woman.
“He also has a gentle voice and tone, so there was no suspicion at all about him being a woman.”
According to reports, Adinda had been arrested following the revelation, with reports indicating that his motive for entering into the marriage was to exploit AK’s familial assets.
Facing charges of fraud, ESH potentially faces a prison sentence of up to four years as the investigation into his deceptive practices continues.
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