LpAn Indonesian groom has discovered that his bride is actually a man twelve days after their wedding.
The man named only as AK, 26, met his spouse Adinda Kanza, also 26, on Instagram in 2023 and the pair dated in person for a year.
During their in-person meetings, Adinda wore a traditional Muslim niqab that covered her entire face – which AK reportedly took as a sign for her devotion to Islam.
The couple decided to get married in a small ceremony at AK’s home after Adinda told him that she no longer had any family.
But AK grew suspicious of his new wife soon after tying the knot on April 12, since she avoided intimacy by telling him she was on her period or feeling unwell, according to the South China Morning Post.
AK said Adinda refused to speak to his family and continued wearing her niqab at home, so he tracked down her former address 12 days after their wedding – and was surprised to find her parents alive and well there.
Adinda’s parents revealed that AK’s wife was actually a man, identified as ESH, who started cross-dressing in 2020.
They also said they didn’t know that their son was in a relationship, let alone married.
The police said that Adinda behaved like a woman and had a female-sounding voice, adding: ‘If you look at their wedding photos, Adinda looks exactly like a real woman.
‘He also has a gentle voice and tone, so there was no suspicion at all about him being a woman.’
ESH has now been arrested by the police and told them he intended to marry AK to steal his family’s assets, according to local media reports.
He is facing fraud charges that could land him behind bars for up to four years.
Police suggested that ESH enjoyed pretending to be a woman while dating men. It was also revealed that the alleged fraudster had previously dated women.
The investigation is ongoing.
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